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Think first then dial

Annual report 2020-21


Hon. Vincent Tarzia

Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services

This annual report will be presented to Parliament to meet the statutory  reporting requirements of the Police Act 1998, Police Regulations 2014 and Public Sector Act 2009 and the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.

This report is verified to be accurate for the purposes of annual reporting to the Parliament of South Australia.

Submitted on behalf of the South Australia Police by:

Grant Stevens APM LEM



From the Chief Executive

Overview: about the agency

The agency's performance

Financial performance

Risk management

Reporting required under any other act or regulation

Public complaints

Appendix: Audit financial statements 2020-21

Please refer to Appendix (page 63 on-wards) in the PDF version of the Annual Report.

Other key areas reported on annually

Aboriginal reconciliation

South Australia Police (SAPOL) Statement of Reconciliation and SAPOL Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) remains the guiding document for engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people. Of note, SAPOL’s revised RAP is currently being considered for review by Reconciliation Australia and is to be released in the latter half of 2021.

During the review period, the SAPOL RAP moved into its fourth year. It was assessed against its deliverables, adjusted to meet community needs and exceeded the outcomes as defined within this document by way of establishing meaningful and resilient partnerships with major stakeholders and organisational cultural inclusion.

SAPOL’s commitment to prevention, early intervention, and engagement with ATSI people is supported through liaison with Federal and State Government and non-government agencies.

SAPOL, through the Commissioner of Police, as a member of the Chief Executive’s Group on Aboriginal Affairs; additional SAPOL representation also forms a part of the South Australian Chief Executive Council, Over Representation of Aboriginal People in the Justice System working group.

SAPOL are further represented at numerous community engagement events where employment and engagement with the organisation is promoted. Due to COVID 19 many events in 2020-21 were cancelled. Regardless of this, SAPOL maintained close working relationships with key employment stakeholders including the Office for the Public Sector (OPS) vide the OPS Aboriginal Trainee Program and Aboriginal Employment Register. SAPOL have continued to scout existing talent from within the ATSI community to increase our employment of ATSI people through direct liaison between our Aboriginal members and the community.

As at 30 June 2021, SAPOL comprised of 82 Aboriginal employees working as sworn police officers, community constables, police Aboriginal liaison officers (casual), cadets, Police Security Officers and administrative support officers.

Assistant Commissioner State Operations Service is the sponsor of the ATSI Focus Group which functions as a working group to provide operational and organisational guidance on Indigenous issues that will impact on SAPOL, its staff and the wider community.

During the reporting period SAPOL launched the Cultural Capability Development Program (the program). The program is designed to bring together cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity and cultural safety to develop cultural capability across the organisation. The program was launched in August 2020 with an introductory course developed by SBS and delivered online. Steps two and three will be delivered face to face and rolled out to all staff over a period of time with the final step incorporating practical elements of policing tailored to individual workplace requirements.

Building upon our existing SAPOL RAP, the succeeding RAP will see our organisation increase its commitment to reconciliation through the inclusion of progressive, contemporary initiatives that are reflective of the respect we have for our First Nations People and SAPOL’s commitment to reconciliation.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

SAPOL launched its new Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2020-2024 in October 2020. Extending the outcomes of the previous plan, SAPOL has committed to greater involvement of people with disability in implementing the new plan as was evident in the significant internal and external consultations undertaken in preparing the plan.

The DAIP sets a clear direction for what SAPOL intends to do to further support and include people with disability over the next four years. The actions are aligned to four themes set out in the Inclusive SA: State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023; Inclusive communities for all, leadership and collaboration, accessible communities, and learning and employment.

Inclusive communities for all

SAPOL hosted a Disability Awareness training session run by Purple Orange facilitators with lived experience of disability. Approximately 25 participants attended the session held at the Academy including employees from Physical Assets Support Branch (PASB), Diversity and Inclusion Branch (D&IB), Human Resource Management Branch (HRMB), Community Engagement Section (CES), and Volunteer Coordination Unit.

Since the session, D&IB and CES have met with Purple Orange to discuss potential support from them with our DAIP actions, particularly around training and advice.

Initial discussions have also been had with Purple Orange about support from them in sourcing community participants for focus groups for SAPOL to consult on the implementation of DAIP actions, including training.

CES presented at the Neighbourhood Watch International Conference on the Gold Coast on the topic of ‘Increased Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Neighbourhood Watch’.

Leadership and collaboration

An initial meeting was held with D&IB and CES members to discuss ideas for a Disability Service Development Advisory Group. After further consideration of the objective of Action 4, discussion was held about the potential to expand the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group (DIAG) with another member with disability expertise/experience, tap into the cross sector advisory group being developed, and engage Purple Orange to support us in sourcing focus group participants relevant to specific topics we would like to consult on. The DIAG is more intersectional and includes members from priority groups within the State Plan. Further consideration and discussion of this is to be held in consultation with CES.

Accessible communities

PASB have begun working on Action 6 of the DAIP; to apply universal design principles to SAPOL’s sites, buildings and facilities:

  • Existing policies and procedures have been reviewed and required updates identified. Terminology updated from “disability” to “accessibility”.
  • Draft SAPOL principles of universal design developed.
  • Disability Inclusion training including introduction to universal design arranged for PASB.
  • Department for Infrastructure and Transport Fitout Standards to be updated 2022 – SAPOL guidelines to be reviewed when new standards are available.
  • Updating of custody management standards in collaboration with Custody Management Portfolio (CMP) by end December 2021.
  • PASB/CMP/City Watch House reps to visit new Department of Corrections facilities for review of cell complex design.
  • Updating of public area standards in collaboration with Security Advice Section (SAPOL) by end December 2021.
  • Draft audit plan developed for release of Request for Quote in July 2021.
  • Capital funding of $200,000 allocated for 2021/22 – however is likely to require additional funding to complete auditing of the full SAPOL portfolio – additional funding to be sought based on responses to RFQ.

In relation to Action 8; broaden and enhance the use of technology to enable better communication between people with disability and SAPOL, Communications Group have implemented and are working on the following initiatives:

  • Advanced Mobile Location Services (AML) began operation in SAPOL in December 2020 and has been operating successfully for the past 6 months. This allows SAPOL to identify the location of members of the public calling for assistance despite possible communication barriers. SAPOL remain the lead agency in South Australia with the use of this new technology.
  • National Relay Service (NRS) perform the function to connect and assist with communication for deaf and/or find it hard hearing or speaking with people via the telephone. This is significant for emergency services as NRS provide the ability to contact 000 using a dedicated 106 service.
    • Training on the NRS function is delivered in the Communications Centre Course and the Call Centre course. SAPOL rarely receive calls from this service but staff are trained and prepared for when they do.
    • Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) - a telephone owner’s personal details information is held by the telephone service provider and in emergency situations when the caller contacts triple zero is provided to the Emergency Service Call Centre. This information has not been available via the third party (NRS). The service provider Concentrix are currently working with all emergency services across Australia to standardise IPND information that is provided to the Emergency Service Call Centre. SAPOL is currently engaged in this improvement. No dates currently available for when this improvement will be finalised.
  • Text to triple zero is a national initiative that is being managed through National Emergency Communications Working Group. The triple zero provider (Telstra) provides the option for a member of the public to call triple zero using SMS. This is a project that will take a number of years to be finalised. Business Engagement Analyst with SAPOL Business Engagement & Innovation Branch is currently reviewing and preparing SAPOL’s Business requirements for this project. Telstra have developed a requirements document that is currently with the commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications for final review before being released to the Emergency Service providers. SAPOL currently waiting for this document to validate own business requirements.

Learning and employment

In April 2021, a policy for the management of non-work related medical disability or medical incapacity for Non-Sworn employees’ was developed by HRMB to provide managers and employees guidance to manage employees with non-compensable injury, illness or disability in the workplace. This policy is consistent with the Public Sector Act 2009 (SA), Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (SA), the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA), the State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023 and SAPOL’s DAIP. The policy is inclusive of employees with disability.

In April 2021, HRMB provided 10 briefing sessions to managers and supervisors in SAPOL to provide them with information and guidance as to how they can support employees with a nonwork related medical condition, medical incapacity and disability in the workplace. The briefing sessions covered legislative requirements and human resource best practice considerations in supporting employees with disability in the workplace. This includes providing reasonable modifications and equipment in the workplace, recruiting and promoting employees with disability who have the ability to fulfil the inherent requirements of the role, and also accessing external services to support employees with disability, for example, JobAcess.

Freedom of Information Statement

South Australia Police (SAPOL) is an agency pursuant to Section 4 of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) and this Information Statement is published in accordance with Section 9 of the FOI Act. The FOI Act confers on members of the public a legally enforceable right to access information held by the South Australian Government subject to certain restrictions. A comprehensive introduction to freedom of information can be found on the State Records website at https://www.archives.sa.gov.au/content/foi-in-sa.

Agency Structure and Functions

A comprehensive description of SAPOL structure and functions can be found on our website at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us and in our online Annual Reports which can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/online-services/find-a-publication.

Effect of Agency Functions on Members of the Public

SAPOL functions affect the public through direct service delivery of our Core Functions. These are; to uphold the law, preserve the peace, prevent crime, assist the public in emergency situations, coordinating and managing responses to emergencies and regulating road use to prevent road collisions.

Public Participation in SAPOL Policy Development and the Delivery of its Functions

SAPOL is committed to and encourages public participation in the development of its policies and the delivery of its Core Functions in several ways including community consultation forums, problem solving, surveys, promotional activities and committee membership. SAPOL holds ongoing Police and Community Engagement (PACE) Forums across all metropolitan Districts, regional Local Services Areas and social media. SAPOL provides support to a number of boards and committees which include members of the public who contribute to the development of policies and provide feedback to allow for continuous improvement in the delivery of SAPOL Core Functions.

Community Feedback – Service Charter

SAPOL is committed to service excellence by consistently delivering service of the highest quality to the community. Community support is vital to ensuring the effective delivery of police services and SAPOL wishes to hear from members of the community who have received a policing service by completing a feedback form which is available online at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us/service-charters.

Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is an independent not-for-profit organisation in which the community and the media help police to solve crime. Crime Stoppers offers the community a means to actively contribute to solving and reducing crime through various crime prevention and awareness campaigns. They also play an active role in the media, promoting unsolved crimes and encouraging people to provide information anonymously with the option of a reward. Crime Stoppers operates 24/7 and information can be provided in confidence anytime by telephoning Crime Stoppers on free-call 1800 333 000 or online through their website or app. Further information about this program can be located online at https://crimestopperssa.com.au/.

Traffic Watch Program

The community can participate in keeping South Australia’s roads safe by reporting dangerous driving to 131 444 or on-line at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/online-services/traffic-watch2. Further information can be found online at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/your-safety/road-safety/report-dangerous-driving.

Road Safety Centre

SAPOL Road Safety Centre at Port Road, Thebarton is a multifunction road safety educational facility. The centre provides road safety sessions for students, businesses, special interest groups and community groups ranging in age from preschool to older road users. This approach supports the SAPOL concept of road safety education being a lifelong learning process. The mock roadway located within Bonython Park is open for use by the public when not required by SAPOL. Further information regarding the Road Safety Centre can be found on our website at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/your-safety/road-safety/road-safety-centre.

Neighbourhood Watch SA

The Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) SA’s vision is to build a safe and connected community. Through its unique link with SA Police, the program helps prevent crime (traditional property crime and also contemporary crime such as on-line scams) by raising awareness of topical offences, building relationships with local police, and encouraging the community to connect with each other. NHW groups exist across South Australia. To achieve the ambitions listed above, these groups meet with a local police coordinator on semi-regular occurrences, and encourage others in their local communities to attend.

You can follow NHW SA on Facebook - https://m.facebook.com/NeighbourhoodWatchSA and find further information, including news and crime prevention hints and tips on the NHW SA website at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/nhw.

Social Media

Community engagement via SAPOL use of social media is a vital tool in providing the public access to real time information especially during emergency events. SAPOL encourages community participation and assistance with police investigations and missing persons. Further information about various SAPOL social media platforms can be found on our website at






Description of Documents held by SAPOL for inspection, purchase or free of charge

Documents held by SAPOL

Documents held by SAPOL fall broadly into the categories listed below and whilst most documents are available in hard copy others are only available electronically. It is important to note that the following list is not exhaustive and does not necessarily mean all documents are accessible in full or in part pursuant to the FOI Act.

  • Operational Policing including Police Incident Reports / Occurrence Reports, Apprehension Reports, Vehicle Collision Reports / Occurrence Reports, handwritten notes, statements, record of interviews, plans and photographs
  • Community Policing including brochures, pamphlets and posters
  • Administration including accounting, policy, recruiting and human resource management
  • SAPOL publications including annual reports as well as corporate and strategic plans.

Documents are held in the following media:

  • Hardcopy
  • Digital
  • Microfilm
  • Microfiche
  • Audio visual recordings
For purchase

Documents available for purchase include:

  • National Police Certificate
  • Police Incident Report/Occurrence Report - for theft or burglary (for Insurance purposes only)
  • Vehicle Collision Report/Occurrence Report (for Insurance purposes only)

Further information including application forms as well as fees and charges can be found on our website at the following links or by attending your local police station:




Free Publications

A number of SAPOL publications are available free of charge. The list of publications below is not exhaustive and is constantly being updated, particularly in areas of community affairs, crime prevention and statistical data:

Contact details, location and opening hours of your nearest Police Station

Information is available online to help find contact details, location and opening hours of your nearest Police Station https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us/find-your-local-police-station.

Expiation Notice System Data - South Australian Government Data Directory

The Expiation Notice System data is published quarterly and provides statistical information on volumes of expiation notice offences processed by SAPOL since 1 July 2011. Included is an Expiation Notice Open Data Dictionary, Expiable Offences and Fees, Prescribed Camera Offences, Mobile Camera Locations Codes and the location of South Australia fixed traffic camera sites including:

  • Pedestrian activated crossing (PAC)
  • Point to Point (P2P)
  • Intersection (I/section)
  • Level crossing (Rail).

The data sets and further information can be found at https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/expiation-notice-system-data.

South Australia Safe-T-Cam is a network of cameras placed on major heavy vehicle routes across the state to monitor movement of heavy vehicles. The cameras are able to detect unregistered and uninsured offences for all vehicles, as well as heavy vehicle offences including failing to take required rest breaks and work diary (log book) offences. The Safe-T-Cam network is managed by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) and more information can be found at https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/driving-and-transport/heavy-vehicles/driving-heavy-vehicles-safely.

Crime Statistics

SAPOL publishes quarterly suburb-based crime statistics for crimes against the person and crimes against property on the South Australia Government Data Directory which can be found at https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/crime-statistics. The SAPOL website has an interactive crime mapping tool that provides information about the incidence of crimes against the person and crimes against property per suburb or postcode area for the previous month as well as crime statistics at a state level that are published monthly and can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us/crime-statistics-map.

Annual Reporting - South Australian Government Data Directory and SAPOL website

Annual Reporting as required by legislation and with respect to the following can be found at https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/annual-reporting-data:

  • Community Confidence – Level of community confidence in policing services
  • Complaints – Number of complaints
  • Consultancies – SAPOL use of consultants and the nature of work
  • Contractors – SAPOL use of contractors and the nature of work
  • Controlled Substances Act – Number of authorisations, drug detection deployments and seizures
  • Corruption – Reporting and investigation alleged corruption
  • Crime Data – State summary of offences reported or becoming known to police
  • Evidence Act 1929 – Number of Orders granted by magistrates
  • Executive Employment – Number of executives by status in current position, gender and classification
  • Hydroponic Industry Control Act 2009 – Number of apprehensions, offences and expiations
  • Liquor Licence Act 1997 – Number of orders
  • Performance Against Targets – Portfolio statement reporting of performance against targets
  • Protective Security Act 2007 – Number of Protective Security Officers and number of incidents
  • Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018 – Number of Instances
  • Rates per 100 000 – State summary of offences reported or becoming known to police – rate per 100 000
  • Road Safety – Regulation of road use and road safety education
  • Road Traffic Act 1961 – Number of driver screening tests
  • Shop Theft (Alternative Enforcement Act) 2000 – Number of infringement notices
  • Summary Offences Act 1953 Section 21K – Weapons prohibition orders
  • Summary Offences Act 1953 Section 72A(7) – Metal detector searches
  • Summary Offences Act 1953 Section 72B(9) – Special Powers to prevent serious violence
  • Summary Offences Act 1953 Section 72F – Explosives searches, seizures and persons charged
  • Summary Offences Act 1953 Section 83BA(9) – Overcrowding at public venues
  • Summary Offences Act 1953 Section 83C(6) – Special powers of entry
  • Theft by Deception – Number of reports
  • Training Expenditure – Training and development expenditure
  • Work Health & Safety and Return to Work Performance – Workplace injury claims, notifiable incidents
  • Young Offenders – Action taken by police, LSA/locations

In addition the following can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us/annual-reporting:

  • Overview: about the agency
  • The agency’s performance
  • Financial performance
  • Risk management
  • Reporting required under any other act or regulation
  • Public complaints
  • Aboriginal reconciliation
  • Details of overseas travel
  • Disability access and inclusion plan
  • Freedom of Information statement
  • Major awards
  • Performance against targets
  • Personnel information
  • Regional impact assessment statements
  • Triple bottom line reporting
  • Urban design charter

Your safety

The following list is a snapshot of the information and links on the SAPOL website at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/your-safety:

  • Emergency information and alerts
  • Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
  • Intervention orders
  • Child protection
  • Road safety
  • Report missing persons
  • lcohol and drugs
  • Report suspicious activity
  • Crime prevention and security
  • Scams and cybercrime
  • Crowded places
  • Declared Public Precincts
  • COVID-19 information
  • Security Response Section
Crime prevention and security

The following list is a snapshot of the information, security and safety booklets, facts sheets, campaign materials, posters and links on the SAPOL website at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/your-safety:

  • Are you covered?
  • Business security
  • Caravan and holiday security and safety
  • Home and vehicle security
  • Scams and cybercrime
  • Internet safety and security
  • Personal safety
  • Personal safety - Emergency preparedness
  • Rural and farm security
  • Think about it (Youth safety)
  • Triple Zero (resources for kids)
  • Halloween resources
Road safety – Road rules and safety

There is an abundance of Road Safety information including posters, road rules videos, road rules quiz, road safety education programs and road safety newsletters and tips that can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/your-safety/road-safety/road-rules-and-safety or SAPOL social media.

Corporate documents

All SAPOL publications can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/online-services/find-a-publication with quick links to the following corporate documents:

  • Annual Reports
  • Blueprint Magazine
  • Business Plan
  • Strategic Directions

SAPOL Service Delivery Charter is available in nine different languages from Police Stations and the SAPOL website at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us/service-charters.

Proactive disclosure

SAPOL proactively publishes information relating to the expenditure for the Commissioner of Police as well as our contract and procurement processes in line with the Premier and Cabinet Circular PC035 – Proactive Disclosure of Regularly Requested Information. The following expenditure types can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us/proactive-disclosure:

  • Credit card statements
  • Overseas travel expenditure
  • Mobile phone expenditure
  • Office expenditure
  • Gift register
  • Consultants engaged by SAPOL
  • Procurement practices
  • Capital works expenditure.
Disclosure log

A disclosure log is published on the SAPOL website in accordance with Premier and Cabinet Circular PC045 – Disclosure Logs for Non-Personal Information Released through Freedom of Information and lists documents that have been disclosed in response to a request for access to non-personal information pursuant to the FOI Act. The disclosure log can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/about-us/proactive-disclosure.

Other information

Available on the SAPOL website is a vast array of other information, online services, data, downloads and reporting mechanisms that can be found at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/.

  • Cross border form
    • Cross border travel
    • Domestic travellers
    • Overseas travellers
  • About us
    • Find your local police station
    • Key contacts
    • Commissioner’s message
    • Who we are
    • Organisational structure
    • Service charters
    • Strategic priorities
    • Annual reporting
    • Proactive disclosure
    • Crime statistics
    • Traffic statistics
    • Disability and Access Inclusion Plan 2020-2024
  • Online services
    • Pay an expiation notice with epay
    • View my traffic photo
    • Find a form
    • Find a publication
    • Search stolen firearms
    • Report lost property online
    • Report a crash online
    • Safety assessment crowded places
    • Young people – feedback form
    • Report cybercrime online
    • Track My Crime
    • Traffic Watch
    • Cross border travel
  • Police news
    • SA Police News
    • Your local police news
  • Your safety
    • Emergency information and alerts
    • Domestic Violence Disclosure
    • Domestic violence
    • Intervention orders
    • Child protection
    • Road safety
    • Report missing persons
    • Alcohol and drugs
    • Report suspicious activity
    • Crime prevention and security
    • Scams and cybercrime
    • Crowded places
    • Declared Public Precincts
    • COVID-19 information
    • Security Response Section
  • Services and events
    • Community programs
    • Expiations
    • Apply for a police record check
    • Get a crash or theft report
    • Freedom of information
    • Firearms and weapons
    • Licences and permits
    • Make a report to the police
    • Fee schedule
    • 100 point identification
    • Events
  • Join us
    • New – recruiting 114 PSOs
    • Careers with SA Police
    • Call Centre opportunities
    • Volunteer opportunities
  • Road safety
    • Road safety campaigns
    • Road user awareness
    • What’s happening on our roads
    • Helping to make our roads safe
    • Related information
  • Neighbourhood Watch
    • Contacts
    • About us
    • What we do
    • Get involved
    • Why join
    • Current initiatives
    • News
    • Local information
    • Member resources
    • Safe living

Access to Information Held by SAPOL

In addition to seeking access to documents pursuant to the FOI Act, the release of Vehicle Collision Reports / Occurrence Reports (for Insurance purposes only), Police Incident Reports and Occurrence Reports for theft or burglary (for Insurance purposes only) and National Police Certificates are available to members of the public through SAPOL Information Services Branch.

Further information including application forms as well as fees and charges can be found on our website at the following links or by attending your local police station:




SAPOL’s Freedom of Information (FOI) Unit administers the Freedom of Information Act 1991 and facilitates, subject to exemptions and exceptions, access to SAPOL records as well as access and amendments to personal information held by the agency.

Exempt Agencies

The following areas of SAPOL are exempt from FOI pursuant to Schedule 2 of the FOI Act for documents compiled by:

  • The former Special Branch
  • The former Operations Planning and Intelligence Unit
  • The Operations Intelligence Section (or body substituted for the Operations Intelligence Section)
  • The Anti-Corruption Branch

Making an FOI Application for Access to Documents

In accordance with Section 13 of the FOI Act, application for access to documents held by SAPOL must:

  • Be made in writing.
  • Specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991.
  • Be accompanied by the prescribed application fee (exemptions apply for Members of Parliament, pensioners, Commonwealth concession card holders as well as full time secondary and tertiary students).
  • Clearly identify the documents being sought or the matter to which they pertain.
  • Specify an address in Australia to which documents can be sent

You can make an on-line application at https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/about-sa/government/FOI-application. You can write a letter or use SAPOL’s application form (PD360) which is available from Police Stations or can be found on-line at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/services-and-events/freedom-of-information along with details regarding the appropriate application fees.

Making an FOI application for Amendment to a Document

In accordance with Section 31 of the FOI Act, application for amendment to a SAPOL document must:

  • Be made in writing.
  • Specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991.
  • Clearly identify the document you wish to have amended and note it must be a document given to you by SAPOL (a copy of the document would greatly assist FOI officers process your application in a timely manner).
  • Specify the reasons why you claim the information is incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.
  • Specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent

You can make an on-line application at https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/about-sa/government/FOI-application. You can write a letter or use SAPOL’s application form (PD361) available from Police Stations or can be found on line at https://www.police.sa.gov.au/services-and-events/freedom-of-information. There is no application fee.

Where to send FOI applications

An FOI application made under the Act can be submitted on-line at

https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/about-sa/government/FOI-application or lodged at any police station or by email SAPOL.FreedomofInformationUnit@police.sa.gov.au or posted to:

Freedom of Information Unit
South Australia Police
GPO Box 1539
Adelaide SA 5001

For further information contact the Freedom of Information Unit on (08) 732 23347.

Major SAPOL Awards

The Awards and Recognition Unit administer SAPOL’s award processes along with the National Medal and other private awards e.g. those of the Royal Humane Society. The following medals and awards were presented in the reporting period 2020-21.

Type of Award

Number of Awards

Public Service Medal


Australian Police Medal


National Police Service Medal


National Medals and Clasps


Police Bravery Medal


Leadership and Efficiency Medal


SAPOL Service Medals and Clasps


SAPOL Service Awards


Police Officer of the Year


  1. Presented to sworn employees (current and former).
  2. Presented to non-sworn employees (current and former) employed under the Public Sector Act.

Further information:

  1. Included in above figures are 2 posthumous awards.
  2. Physical presentation of medals and awards postponed 22 March 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 Emergency Declaration and recommenced 4 May 2021.
Performance Against Targets

Performance Indicators

2020-21 Actual Result

2020-21 Target

1.1 Response and Event Management

% of call centre calls answered within 20 seconds



No. of patrol taskings in the metropolitan area

360 968


No. of offences against good order recorded per 1000 head of population



% of DNA links of persons to crime scenes that contribute to an arrest or report



No. of grade 2 taskings in the metropolitan area
Counting rule change in July 2020. Previous data is not comparable.

96 524


Performance Indicators

2020-21 Actual Result

2020-21 Target

1.2 Emergency Response, Management and Coordination

% of grade 1 taskings in the metropolitan area responded to within 15 minutes



% of 000 calls presented to Police Communications Centre by Telstra answered within 10 seconds



No. of calls received by call centre

583 253


No. of 000 calls presented to Police Communications Centre by Telstra

186 329


No. of grade 1 taskings in the metropolitan area

2 972


No. of search and rescue operations attended by STAR Group



No. of joint emergency services exercises conducted with Emergency and Major Event Section support



Performance Indicators

2020-21 Actual Result

2020-21 Target

2.1 Crime and Illegal Drugs

No. of recorded offences against the person as reported by/on behalf of victims per 1000 head of population



Level of alcohol related crime in licensed premises

1 310

1 193

No. of recorded offences against property as reported by/on behalf of victims per 1000 head of population



No. of illicit drug offences detected by police

3 874

≥5 331

No. of drug diversions recorded as part of the Police Drug Diversion Initiative

2 335

≥3 613

No. of clandestine labs detected



No. of participants attending Blue Light functions

3 502

≥2 500

No. of active ‘watch’ groups



No. of contacts including online reports to Crime Stoppers

26 481

25 923

Performance Indicators

2020-21 Actual Result

2020-21 Target

2.2 Criminal Justice and Custodial Services

% of SAPOL prosecutions which are finalised by a guilty verdict or guilty plea



No. of prosecution charges initiated by police in state courts

118 445


No. of coronial investigation reports (deaths) submitted by police to the State Coroner’s Office

1 442


No. of formal cautions (juvenile) issued



No. of family conference referrals (juvenile) by police



No. of prisoners processed through police holding facilities

27 172


No. of deaths in police custody



No. of escapes from police holding facilities



Performance Indicators

2020-21 Actual Result

2020-21 Target

3.1 Road Use Regulation

No. of reports for traffic offences detected by police

18 034

13 783

No. of detections of drink driving

4 468


No. of detections of drug driving

5 317


No. of speed detection hours (mobile cameras, mobile radars and lasers)
Reflects the impact of COVID-19 on activity

49 770

75 765

No. of expiation notices issued for traffic offences

151 933


No. of driver screening tests conducted

495 393

500 000

Performance Indicators

2020-21 Actual Result

2020-21 Target

3.2 Education and Vehicle Collision Prevention

No. of sessions conducted by the Road Safety Section


1 000

No. of traffic cautions issued as recorded on expiation notices

55 498


No. of Traffic Watch complaints received
Counting rule change in July 2020. Previous data is not comparable.

10 523

2 400

No. of lives lost per 100 000 head of population



No. of serious injuries per 100 000 head of population



No. of casualty crashes, including fatal crashes per 100 000 head of population



No. of corporate/state-wide traffic operations



No. of corporate/state-wide traffic operations that include a rural road safety component



Personnel Information Summary

Personnel Information Summary 2020-21 (PDF)

Further human resource information can be located at the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment website: http://publicsector.sa.gov.au.

Regional Impact Assessment Statements

As required by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet Circular No.13 Annual Reporting Requirements and the Regional Impact Assessment Statements policy for South Australian government agencies, departments and agencies and statutory authorities are required to prepare and publish Regional Impact Assessment Statements prior to implementing significant changes to existing government services to rural and regional areas.

No Regional Impact Assessment Statements were prepared and published by SAPOL during the 2020-2021 reporting period.

Triple Bottom Line Reporting - Greening of Government Operations

SAPOL continues to work towards a more sustainable future through developing environmental standards and implementing environmental initiatives such as passive design measures, waste management, energy management (including solar energy) and water harvesting.

SAPOL is engaged in the Premier’s Climate Change Council program, investigating cost-effective opportunities to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimise energy costs associated with the operation of buildings. All accommodation projects pursue Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) initiatives incorporating:

  1. Use of recycled or recyclable materials for construction and fit out where viable.
  2. Harvesting of rain water for reuse in landscaping watering systems or building systems where non-potable water is not required.
  3. Installation of solar panels and consideration of batteries.
  4. Replacement of light fittings with energy efficient LED systems.
  5. Installation of energy efficient supplementary air-conditioning systems for afterhours use.
  6. Design of passive cooling systems such as sun shade louvres and natural ventilation where possible.

Asbestos reduction and management continues to be an important activity for SAPOL, all sites have Asbestos management plans and where required annual inspections in place.

SAPOL remains committed to improvements in waste reduction and effective waste management measures for its major metropolitan police sites, this includes staff training.

2020-21 Financial Year

  • The three bin waste management system was rolled out to all SAPOL sites during the 2020-21 financial year.
  • Five electric vehicles for general use were delivered to SAPOL in late 2020 and five 7kw charging stations were installed at Police Headquarters.
  • Three electric vehicle fast charging stations were installed in regional sites, with another two under consideration to support the targets of the South Australian carbon neutral plan by 2030.
  • Solar power was installed at the Academy (99kw system) and Christies Beach Police Station (60kw system).
  • LED lighting is now the SAPOL standard for lighting upgrades and has been installed at several sites.

Motor Vehicles

SAPOL has around 1150 general duties and administrative fleet vehicles that have travelled 28.1 million kilometres during 2020-21.

SAPOL continually assess the composition of the fleet to reduce the environmental impact and have continued replacing six cylinder vehicles with four cylinder vehicles where appropriate. During 2020-21, SAPOL held 534 four cylinder vehicles representing a 20% increase on 2019-20.

The introduction of hybrid vehicles has further reduced SAPOL’s environmental impact in addition to five electric vehicles within its fleet.

There are 438 vehicles in the SAPOL fleet that utilise diesel fuel and 94 Hybrid vehicles. The below table details a number of key sustainability ratios for General Duties and Administrative Fleet vehicles:

Total General Duties
and Administrative Fleet

% 4 Cylinder Passenger


% Diesel











The above table is not a full breakdown of the total fleet but reflects the proportion of specific fuel and vehicle.


ESD initiatives are being considered in all accommodation project works being undertaken in SAPOL and project designs as far as practicable addressing the prescribed criteria contained in the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) ESD Guide Note for Planning Design and Delivery.

SAPOL utilise the DIT Green fit out guide and the principles of ESD as a tool when negotiating with the building owners in regards to utilisation of habitable space within a leased facility.

SAPOL includes the overarching ESD objectives; reduce energy, conserve water, reduce waste, reduce pollution, improve indoor environmental quality, reduce operating costs when constructing the Sustainable Development Strategy within Strategic Asset Plan Framework for facilities in line with ISO 55001.

Future SAPOL Environmental Initiatives

SAPOL has a number of environmental initiatives underway and a number planned for 2021-22 including:

  • Development of an education tool for all SAPOL staff to optimise the three bin waste management system.
  • Further site investigations to install solar and battery systems as energy savings measures and emergency power for unplanned power outages.
Urban Design Charter

The design of all new police facilities being built by SAPOL are undertaken in the spirit of the Urban Design Charter.

SAPOL recognises the need to provide design solutions that provide best practice passive design measures, with complementary active systems that maximise design outcomes in order to benefit the environment and to comply with the Government Urban Design Charter Ecologically Sustainable Development initiatives and office accommodation standards.

PDF copy of the Annual report 2020-21

Annual report 2020-21 (PDF version)  (3 MB)

Previous annual reports

Annual Report 2019-20 including other key areas reported on annually.

Search for previous Annual Reports (PDF versions).

Contact information

For any enquiries, please email us at SAPOLEnquiries@police.sa.gov.au

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