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Annual report 2018-19


Hon. Corey Wingard

Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services
Minister for Sport, Recreation and Racing

This annual report will be presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of the Police Act 1998, Police Regulations 2014 and Public Sector Act 2009 and the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.

This report is verified to be accurate for the purposes of annual reporting to the Parliament of South Australia.

Submitted on behalf of the South Australia Police by:

Grant Stevens
Commissioner of Police


From the Chief Executive

Overview: about the agency

The agency's performance

Financial performance

Risk management

Reporting required under any other act or regulation

Public complaints

Appendix: Audit financial statements 2018-19

Please refer to the Appendix (page 60 onwards) in the PDF version (9.3 MB) of the Annual Report.

Other key areas reported on annually

Aboriginal reconciliation

SAPOL is committed to reconciliation through building unified relationships based on mutual respect, trust and a strong understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, heritage and beliefs.

Details of overseas travel expenditure
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

SAPOL is committed to diversity in its recruitment and retention of employees and volunteers.

SAPOL’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2020 (PDF) ensures SAPOL is an inclusive workplace for employees with disability and there is equality of access to policing services for everyone in the South Australian community.

Freedom of Information Statement

SAPOL’s freedom of information statement (PDF) details how members of the public can access information and documents.

Read more on how to apply for access to SAPOL information

Major awards

Awards provide SAPOL with a means of recognising employees for continuous, diligent and ethical service.

The number of awards presented to current and former SAPOL employees: Major SAPOL Awards 2018-19 (PDF)

Performance against targets

SAPOL’s actual results of performance against targets as reported in the agency statements:

Personnel information

The number of active and inactive employees across all classifications:

Regional impact assessment statements

South Australian government agencies are required to prepare and publish Regional Impact Assessment Statements prior to implementing significant changes to existing government services to rural and regional areas.

One Regional Impact Assessment Statement was prepared and published by SAPOL during the 2018-19 reporting period. Further information is located at  Primary Industries and Regions SA

Triple bottom line reporting - greening of government operations

SAPOL continues to work towards a more sustainable future through developing environmental standards and implementing environmental initiatives.

Greening of Government Operations 2018-19 (PDF)

Urban design charter

SAPOL is committed to achieving good urban design and management of public places.

Urban Design Reporting 2018-19 (PDF)

PDF copy of the Annual report 2018-19

Annual report 2018-19 (PDF 9.3MB)

Previous annual reports

Search for previous Annual Reports (PDF versions).

Contact information

For any enquiries, please email us at SAPOLEnquiries@police.sa.gov.au