The Government has committed to the establishment of disclosure logs for all state government agencies to provide central access to non-personal information that has been disclosed pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act).
Premier and Cabinet Circular PC045 – Disclosure logs for non-personal information requires agencies to publish a disclosure log on their websites. The disclosure log list documents that have been disclosed by South Australia Police (SAPOL) in response to a request for access to non-personal information pursuant to the FOI Act that were received post 1 October 2017.
In accordance with this policy, SAPOL is required to make available on its website documents that have been disclosed to an FOI applicant that:
Please note that the disclosure log list the documents requested, relevant to a specific time and may not contain the most up-to-date version of the information/data.
Document/s not uploaded. If you would like to obtain copies of documents disclosed, please contact SAPOL FOI Unit
In compliance with the South Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework issued as Premier and Cabinet Circular PC030 and the Information Security Management Framework (ISMF), all documents listed on this page are assessed as PUBLIC: and are suitable for public distribution.
Date of Determination | Application Summary | Agency Reference | Determination and/or documents |
28/1/2025 | Documents showing officers (excluding identifying personal details) who have left SAPOL in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 and the reasons for those separations. A table form month by month is sufficient. | 25-1877 | SAPOL 25-1877 |
28/1/2025 | Documents showing how many sworn police officers are still in training as at 1 January 2025. | 25-1878 | SAPOL 25-1878 Doc 1 - SAPOL Separations 2021 to 2024 - 25-1878 |
28/1/2025 | Documents showing how many sworn police officers are currently on leave without pay, long service leave, maternity leave or away from duties on WorkCover as at 1 January 2025. | 25-1876 | SAPOL 25-1876 |
23/1/2025 | 1. The number of Sworn Police Officers who were on duty in Mount Barker between 5pm on 31/12/24 and 5am on 01/01/25 and 2. The number of sworn police officer who ordinarily work at Mount barker who were deployed t areas other than Mount Barker for their entire shift between 5pm on 31/12/24 and 5am on 01/01/25. | 25-1772 | SAPOL 25-1772 |
21/1/2025 | 1. Police General Order on Police use of Interpreters 2. Police General Order on police interviewing of suspects and witnesses generally and/or with the use of an interpreter | 25-1775 | SAPOL 25-1775 Doc 1 General Order - Interpreters (excerpt only) 25-1775 |
20/1/2025 | 1. Any documents showing how many police officers were deployed on patrol within Adelaide Oval on New Year’s Eve 31 December 2024 specifically for the BBL14 (Adelaide Strikers v Perth Scorchers) cricket match. 2. A list of all incidents occurring at Adelaide Oval during the BBL14 Cricket match including time, nature of incident and age of those involved. Table form is sufficient | 25-1774 | SAPOL 25-1774 |
2/1/2025 | Number of assaults and serious assaults in every SA prison, split into each site, across the previous five financial years. The assault numbers should include assaults by a prisoner against another prisoner and prisoner against prison officers | 25-1713 | SAPOL 25-1713 Doc 1 - Table - Assaults at SA Prisons 25-1713 |
27/12/2024 | Data on the number of youths and adults charged with breach of bail in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. Table form sufficient. The number of individuals with multiple charges for breach of bail in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 ranked by most charges to one charge only. The age of the accused in the top 20 ranked by most charges. | 25-1608 | SAPOL 25-1608 Doc 1 - Breach of Bail Charges 25-1608 |
24/12/2024 | A list of any South Australian police stations that have been closed or had operating hours reduced in the last 10 years | 25-1609 | SAPOL 25-1609 Doc 1 - Police station closures and reduced hours 2015 - 2024 25-1609 |
22/11/2024 | 1. Statistics re lost or stolen police equipment including electronic equipment, police vehicles, firearms, weapons, ammunition, identification (such as badges), capsicum spray, clothing (ie. Bulletproof vests, equipment belts), handcuffs, and batons.). 2. NSW Police reports including AV material such as footage relating to the theft/damage of either police vehicles or firearms. Please proceed on this basis. Timeframe: From 1 January 2023 to the date this application is validated | 25-0544 | SAPOL 25-0544 Documents are available upon application to SAPOL |
17/12/24 | Documents and data related to annual youth offending of accused persons aged 17 years or younger by suburb or postcode from 2014 to the year to date (2024). Please include all recorded crimes related to youth. We are open to suggestions in relation to how to correlate this data. | 25-1504 | SAPOL 25-1504 Doc 1 PIMS and Shield - Offences for accused aged between 10-17 between 1 Jan 2014 and 10 Dec 2024 - 25-1504 |
17/12/24 | The number of children remanded in custody as of 4 December 2024, the age of each child remanded in custody, and the length of time that each child has been remanded in custody. **Police custody | 25-1624 | SAPOL 25-1624 |
17/12/24 | This is a freedom of information request made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA). I request access (in full) to all information held by South Australia Police (SAPOL) that sets out whether a member of SAPOL who is on duty at a police station front counter must register in SAPOL’s system a report of an offence from a person who attends a police station and expresses that they would like to report an offence committed by someone against a law in force in South Australia (irrespective of whether the offence a person would like to report at a police station is an expiable, summary, minor indictable or major indictable offence). In addition to the above, I also request access (in full) to all information held by SAPOL that sets out the steps (such as asking whether the reporting person is willing to make a statement) that a member of SAPOL who is on duty at a police station front counter must follow when taking a report of an offence from a person who attends a police station and expresses that they would like to report an offence committed by someone against a law in force in South Australia (irrespective of whether the offence a person would like to report at a police station is an expiable, summary, minor indictable or major indictable offence). Notices relating to this freedom of information request should be sent to the following address in Australia: [personal details removed] | 25-1596 | SAPOL 25-1596 Doc 1 - General Order CRIME AND OCCURRENCE REPORTING 25-1596 |
10/12/24 | How many times were South Australia Police called to Flinders Medical Centre, Noarlunga Hospital, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Modbury Hospital, Lyell McEwin Hospital and the Women's and Children's Hospital respectively in 2023 and to date in 2024. | 25-1492 | SAPOL 25-1492 Doc 1- FOI Hospital Request re SACAD 2024-11-28_ 25-1492 |
2/12/24 | A copy of all data indicating the total number and the type of incidents reported to SAPOL (including times SAPOL were called to attend) at Elizabeth Shopping Centre, Westfield Marion, Armada Arndale, Westfield Tea Tree Plaza, and Rundle Mall between 1 January 2024 to 26 November 2024 | 25-1486 | SAPOL 25-1486 Doc 1 - SAPOL Incidents 1 Jan 2024 to 26 Nov 2024 - 25-1486 |
18/11/24 | 1) Please provide a copy of documents that detail the relationship between SAPOL and MESHA for the previous ten years. Exclude duplicate documents. 2) Please provide a copy of documents that detail the access of current SAPOL employees to MESHA services. Exclude duplicate documents. | 25-1304 | SAPOL 25-1304 DOC 1 - MESHA GEARS flyer 25-1304 |
15/11/24 | A copy of all correspondence provided by SAPOL to either the Premier, or Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to the findings and recommendations of the Premier's taskforce into the South Australia Polce Recruitment and Retention, as well as a copy of the final report provided by SAPOL to either the Premier or Department of Premier and Cabinet. | 25-1199 | SAPOL 25-1199 |
13/11/24 | Any SAPOL submissions to Premier’s Taskforce on Policing and any draft or final copy of reports of Premier’s Taskforce on Policing. | 25-1057 | SAPOL 25-1057 |
11/11/24 | 1. How many operations involving the use of handheld scanners (wands) have been conducted across South Australia by SAPOL? 2. How many individuals have been subjected to the use of handheld scanners across South Australia? (i.e. How many individual instances of handheld scanners being used?) 3. How many knives (or other edged weapons) have been detected as a result of handheld scanning across South Australia? | 25-1133 | SAPOL 25-1133 |
11/11/24 | A list of reported knife crimes in SA in the last 3 years (2021 to present), committed by people aged 15, 16 and 17 years old. - Broken down into date - Location - incident - age of offender - outcome (if possible) | 25-1179 | SAPOL 25-1179 Doc 1 - Knife crime reports - 1 Jan 2021 to 30 Oct 2024 25-1179 |
30/10/24 | Average response times for Grade 1 and Grade 2 police call outs for 2024 (YTD), 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020. Information provided in table form would be sufficient. | 25-1056 | SAPOL 25-1056 |
30/10/24 | Any correspondence between SAPOL and the Minister for Police’s office where the Minister or his office seeks a briefing about crime connected to illegal tobacco in Victoria. | 25-1054 | SAPOL 25-1054 Doc 1 - Signed Minute Doc 2 - Ministerial Request |
29/10/24 | The number of officers who in the past 12 months qualify for any SAPOL service medal or honours but have not yet been awarded that medal. I.e. Is there any backlog in the awarding of medals? | 25-1055 | SAPOL 25-1055 |
24/10/24 | Any data on the length of time that police officers have spent accompanying offenders they have brought in to hospita over the past year. Data on how many mental health patients that SAPOL has taken to hospitals over the last year. | 25-1058 | SAPOL 25-1058 |
23/10/24 | A copy of any crime statistics for the 2023/24 financial year containing all offences committed by youth aged between 10 and 17 years of age reported to South Australian Police | 25-0984 | SAPOL 25-0984 Doc 1 |
22/10/24 | I request all informations relating to the assets for Money Laundering from 01/01/2022 to 08/01/2024, case files included | 25-0961 | SAPOL 25-0961 |
9/10/24 | I would like to access Data under the Freedom of Information Act for specific data on ticket issues for speeding incidents for Meadows Road, Echunga and also Crash reports relating to Meadows Road (Including Corner of Meadows Road and Battunga Road and Meadows Road and Angus Road Echunga). I would like this for the last 7-10 years. | 25-0856 | SAPOL 25-0856 |
27/9/24 | I would like to request a list of research proposals (including the title, supporting organisation and date of the proposal) which have been considered by SAPOL's Research & Survey Coordination Committee between January 1st 2014 and June 30th 2024 and the outcome of those applications (accepted, rejected / denied, amendments sought etc.). A further field which includes more detailed information about the reason for the outcome (accepted / rejected etc) is also requested (e.g. the research is not aligned to SAPOL's goals, data security concerns, or significant resource commitment required etc.). The names of the requesting researchers are not sought for this request | 25-0361 | SAPOL 25-0361 Doc 1 |
25/9/24 | 1. Documents showing officers (not identifying personal details) who have left SAPOL in 2023 and YTD2024 and the reasons for those separations. A table form is sufficient. 2. Documents showing the cost of SAPOL recruitment activities in UK, Ireland and New Zealand between 1 January 2024 and 30 August 2024. A table showing the dollar amount in each month in each country is sufficient. 3. Documents showing the number of SAPOL recruits from UK, Ireland and New Zealand between 1 January 2024 and 30 August 2024. A table showing numbers each month from each country is sufficient. 4. Documents showing the number of total sworn officers in SAPOL each month between 1 January 2024 and 30 August 2024. A table showing total each month is sufficient. | 25-0614 | SAPOL 25-0614 |
19/9/24 | Documents showing the cost of advertising and road safety messages for 2022, 2023, YTD2024. A table of costs would suffice detailing the dollar amount of advertising each month of each year. | 25-0613 | SAPOL 25-0613 |
19/09/24 | A copy of the advice provided by the Police Commissioner and/or SAPOL to the Premier relating to the presence or organised crime within the CFMEU in South Australia. | 25-0618 | SAPOL 25-0618 Doc 1 - 079324 Signed Minute |
2/9/24 | Hi team, Hope you're well. I was directed to make a GIPA request by the media unit. I'm a reporter. [text deleted]. I'm working on a piece examining the 48hr period immediately after an DVO is taken out. I request data to be compiled on how many times DVOs were breached within 48 hours of being issued each year from 2020 to YTD 2024. I also request data on the total number of DVOs granted during this period | 25-0383 | SAPOL 25-0383 |
27/8/24 | Copy of crash data including total number, type of incident and degree of incident for the intersection of Curtis Road and Heaslip Road between 01/01/2014 - 15/08/2024 | 25-0448 | SAPOL 25-0448 |
22/8/24 | Documents related to maintenance schedules at the Fort Largs Police Academy including, but not limited to, repairs to the firing range, ballistic shields and any maintenance or matters related to firearms or the complex. The documents should include, but not limited to, executive briefings, ministerial briefings, emails, both internal and external, invoices, quotes for work, meeting records, reports, both draft and final and any electronic messages such as text or whatsapp including the officer in charge of the academy. Date range between 1 January 2022 to present day. Please allow for 30 days before publishing the application on any disclosure logs. | 25-0029 | SAPOL 25-0029 Doc 1 - Range inspection Report 25-0029 Doc 2- CBP Academy Weapons Training Infrastructure Doc 3 - ED BP Firearms Current Situation_Redacted Doc 4 - Firearms Training approval signed by COP Doc 5 - PMP - Rubber Gran Trap - Academy |
22/8/24 | I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the retention rates of police officers within South Australia Police over the past three years. Specifically, I am seeking documents that show the following: > the current number of police officers employed in FY24 , FY23 and FY22 > the amount of police officers who left SAPOL in FY24, FY23 and FY22 > the above broken down into reasons for leaving, including retirement, resigning, death or injured > how many SAPOL cadets were sworn in in FY24, FY23 and FY22 > how many SAPOL local cadets continued with force after first 12-months after being sworn in in FY23? > how many SAPOL local cadets continued with force after first 6-months after being sworn in in FY23? Please provide this information in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.” | 25-0208 | SAPOL 25-0208 |
1/8/24 | Provide the general orders on the procedures of keeping chain of custody records for private property taken by the corrupt SAPOL. (exampl phone, GoPro, SD cards etc) 2. Provide the general orders on the procedures of keeping audit logs for SAPOL BWV and CCTV footages | 25-0054 | SAPOL 25-0054 GO Body worn Video and Videomanager |
28/7/24 | All documents relating to statistics for the causes/contributing factors of fatalities and serious injuries on South Australian roads (e.g. the ‘fatal five’ categories). | 25-0455 | SAPOL 25-0455 |
23/7/24 | Copy of crash data including total number, type of incident and degree of incident for the intersection of Arthur St/ Moules Road/ St Bernards Road between 01/01/2014 - 12/03/2024 | 25-0170 | SAPOL 25-0170 |
23/7/24 | Copy of crash data including total number, type of incident and degree of incident along Shakespeare Ave, Magill, and Shakespeare Ave, Tranmere between 01/01/2014 - 12/07/2024 | 25-0159 | SAPOL 25-0159 |
18/7/24 | A copy of all data (including spreadsheets and reports) indicating the total number and the type of incidents reported to SAPOL at the unit complex which comprises the addresses of 58 Hectorville Road, Hectorville, 2 Grande St, Hectorville, and 36 North St, Hectorville, between 10/05/2024 and 14/07/2024 inclusive | 25-0123 | SAPOL 25-0123 |
18/7/24 | I'm requesting information regarding the Offender Managment (sic) Program OMP. Can you provide me with the legislation that the Offender Managment (sic) Program operates under. Is the Offender Managment (sic) Program voluntary? Who officially runs the OMP Police or the Department of Correctional Services? What Government Departments are involved with the OMP? | 24-2663 | SAPOL 24-2663 |
17/7/24 |
For the period commencing 1 January 2022 and ending the date of this FOI (separated into calendar years): 1. The number of road users charged with excessive speeding; 2. The number of road users charged with reckless and dangerous driving; 3. The number of road users charged with drink driving; and 4. The number of road users charged with drug driving with children under 16 present in vehicle | 25-0098 | SAPOL 25-00 |
Date of Determination | Application Summary | Agency Reference | Determination and/or documents |
19/06/2024 | Seeking to access documents or information indicating towns of home residences of perpetrators of crimes against property or persons in the district council of Ceduna area for the periods October 2022 to March 2023 and for October 2023 to March 2024.” | 24-2666 | SAPOL 24-2666 |
06/06/2024 | The crime rate of Ceduna in the calendar year of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (or most recent date). The crime rate of Ceduna since March 6th 2023 until now (or most recent date). The crime rate of dry communities that are within 150km of Ceduna (areas listed below) in the calendar year of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (or most recent date). The number of arrests in Ceduna relating to violence, theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, or antisocial behaviour, within the calendar year of 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (or most recent date). The number of persons arrested due to crimes of violence, theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, or antisocial behaviour whose main residence is a dry community that is within 150km of Ceduna (areas listed below). The number of people arrested in Ceduna who are of Indigenous descent whose crimes relate to violence, theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, or antisocial behaviour within the calendar year of 2021, 2022, and 2023 and 2024 (or most recent date). Areas of interest that are within 150km of Ceduna: - Chundaria - Mitchidy Moola - Nanbona - Yellabinna - Fowlers Bay - Coorabie - Bookabie - Penong - Watraba - White Well Corner - Uworra - Koonibba - Charra - Nadia - Denial Bay - Kalanbi - Yumbarra - Wandana - Maltee - Merghiny - Laura Bay - Mudamuckla - Puntable - Chinbingina - Carawa - Nunjikompita - Pimbaacla - Smoky Bay - Haslam - Petina - Wirrulla - Wallala - Koolgera - Pureba - Pinjarra Station - Kondoolka - Hiltaba - Haslam - Perlubia - Eba Anchorage - Streaky Bay - Yanerbie - Piednippie - Chilpenunda - Chandada - Maryvale - Inkster - Poochera - Cungena - Yantanabie - Kaldoonera - Narlaby - Bockelberg - Bockelberg - Lockyes Claypan - Yanerbie - Sceale Bay - Calca - Mortana - Tyringa - Baird Bay - Witera - Colley - Mount Cooper | 24-2240 | SAPOL 24-2240 |
06/06/2024 |
The number of SAPOL call outs to the local Ceduna Hospital within the calendar year of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (or most recent date). - The number of alcohol related presentations to Ceduna Hospital in the calendar year of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (or most recent date). - The number of people
arrested in Ceduna who are of Indigenous descent since March 6th 2023 until now (or most recent date). - The number of perpetrators in Ceduna whose crimes relate to violence, theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, or antisocial behaviour, who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the calendar
year of 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (or most recent date). - The number of people under the age of 18 who are arrested due to suspected incidences of violence, theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, or antisocial behaviour, in the calendar year of 2021, 2022, 2023. - The number of SAPOL call outs to dry
communities residing in (areas listed below) in the calendar year of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (so far). - The number of SAPOL call outs to dry communities (areas listed below) which relate to crimes of assault, violence, rape, theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, or antisocial behaviour, in the calendar
year of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 (so far). - Chundaria - Mitchidy Moola - Nanbona - Yellabinna - Fowlers Bay - Coorabie - Bookabie - Penong - Watraba - White Well Corner - Uworra - Koonibba - Charra - Nadia - Denial Bay - Kalanbi - Yumbarra - Wandana - Maltee - Merghiny - Laura Bay - Mudamuckla - Puntable
- Chinbingina - Carawa - Nunjikompita - Pimbaacla - Smoky Bay - Haslam - Petina - Wirrulla - Wallala - Koolgera - Pureba - Pinjarra Station - Kondoolka - Hiltaba - Haslam - Perlubia - Eba Anchorage - Streaky Bay - Yanerbie - Piednippie - Chilpenunda - Chandada - Maryvale - Inkster - Poochera - Cungena
- Yantanabie - Kaldoonera - Narlaby - Bockelberg - Bockelberg - Lockyes Claypan - Yanerbie - Sceale Bay - Calca - Mortana - Tyringa - Baird Bay - Witera - Colley - Mount Cooper
From 1/01/2021 To - 2/05/204 | 24-2277 | SAPOL 24-2277 |
17/05/2024 | All training documents regarding reviewing SAPOL training on domestic violence to ensure that the fact men can be and are victims of domestic violence is included. Since 24/05/2017. 2. Please also provide me with training documents that include that men can be and are victims of domestic violence. Since 24/05/2017. | 24-2162 | SAPOL 24-2162 |
16/05/2024 | 1. For the period commencing 1 July 2023 and ending the date this FOI request was made (13 April 2024): 1.1 The number of road users issued with an expiation notice for the expiable traffic offence 'Turn right at intersection or other place with no right turn sign' (Offence Code A063) at the aforementioned location. 1.2 The number of road users issued with a caution for the expiable traffic offence 'Turn right at intersection or other place with no right turn sign' (Offence Code A063) at the aforementioned location. 1.3 The number of expiation notices that were initially issued but subsequently withdrawn (for any reason) for the expiable traffic offence 'Turn right at intersection or other place with no right turn sign' (Offence Code A063) at the aforementioned location. 2. For the day of Friday 15 March 2024, from the time of 7.00 am to 9.00 am (inclusive): 2.1 The number of road users issued with an expiation notice for the expiable traffic offence 'Turn right at intersection or other place with no right turn sign' (Offence Code A063) at the aforementioned location. 2.2 The number of road users issued with a caution for the expiable traffic offence 'Turn right at intersection or other place with no right turn sign' (Offence Code A063) at the aforementioned location. 2.3 The number of expiation notices that were initially issued but subsequently withdrawn (for any reason) for the expiable traffic offence 'Turn right at intersection or other place with no right turn sign' (Offence Code A063) at the aforementioned location. 2.4 The number of road users issued with an expiation notice for any expiable traffic offence as prescribed in SAPOL Document No. PD320A at the aforementioned time/date/location. | 24-2091 | SAPOL 24-2091 |
14/05/2024 | A copy of the weekly validation reports produced for the Eastern Districts, showing police presence on public transport between 01/01/23 - 12/04/24 | 24-2094 | SAPOL 24-2094 Doc 1 - MetroCard data 01-01-23 until 12-04-24 24-2094 |
10/05/2024 | Total list of reported incidents to SAPOL on the Belair Train line between 01/06/2023 and 15/04/2024. | 24-2115 | SAPOL 24-2115 Document 1 |
24/04/2024 | The number of complaints/notifications regarding unauthorised access to information by police and/or misuse of information by police per year, whether the complaint was internal or external, the outcome, and whether it resulted in charges. The period for this request is 1 January 2020 to date. Any audit of information access by police between 1 January 2023 to date. | 24-1988 | SAPOL 24-1988 Doc 1 - Police Complains by Category 2020 to 2023 24-1988 |
22/04/2024 | Copy of the findings of the mobile phone detection camera trial and the email which confirmed the findings of the trial. | 24-1514 | SAPOL 24-1514 Doc 1 - Trial Evaluation Summary Doc 2 - Email |
12/04/2024 |
| 24-1775 | SAPOL 24-1775 Doc 1 - General Order Property Doc 2 - Police Regulations 2014 |
03/04/2024 | How many road crash incidents involving a pedestrian occurred on the Eyre Peninsula between 2016 and 2020? Where did each incident take place, including town, street and intersection (if applicable). How many, and which, of these pedestrian crash incidents resulted in injury? | 24-1908 | SAPOL 24-1908 Document 1 |
26/03/2024 | I request evidence of the Commissioners guidelines pursuant to section 52B(a) of the Controlled Substances Act 1982(SA). | 24-1695 | SAPOL 24-1695 Document 1 |
19/03/2024 | Copy of crash data including total number, type of incident and degree of incident for the intersection of St Bernards Road and Reid Ave, Hectorville/Magill between 01/01/2014 - 12/03/2024. | 24-1858 | SAPOL 24-1858 Document 1 |
19/03/2024 | How many road crash incidents involving a pedestrian occurred on the Eyre Peninsula between September 30th, 2020 and April 17th, 2024? Where did each incident take place, including town, street and intersection (if applicable). How many, and which, of these pedestrian crash incidents resulted in injury. | 24-2116 | SAPOL 24-2116 Document 1 |
19/03/2024 | Copy of crash data including total number, type of incident and degree of incident for the intersection of Reid Ave and Glynburn Road, Tranmere between 01/01/2014 - 12/03/2024. | 24-1857 | SAPOL 24-1857 Document 1 |
19/03/2024 | Copy of crash data including total number, type of incident and degree of incident for the intersection of Hectorville Road and Glynburn Road, Hectorville between 01/01/2014 - 12/03/2024. | 24-1856 | SAPOL 24-1856 Document 1 |
18/03/2024 | A copy of all data (including spreadsheets and reports) indicating the total number and the type of violent incidents at each and all AFL matches held at Adelaide Oval between 04/03/2023 to 30/09/2023. | 24-1766 | SAPOL 24-1766 Document 1 |
13/03/2024 | A copy of all data (including spreadsheets and reports) indicating the total number and the type of violent incidents at each and all Big Bash League & International Cricket matches held at Adelaide Oval between 01/01/2023 to 22/02/2024 | 24-1767 | SAPOL 24-1767 Document 1 |
13/03/2024 | A copy of all data (including spreadsheets and reports) indicating the total number and the type of violent incidents at each and all A-Leagues matches held at Coopers (Hindmarsh) Stadium between 04/10/2023 to 26/02/2024. | 24-1765 | SAPOL 24-1765 Document 1 |
19/02/2024 | Provide an official copy of the SAPOL general orders on digital information and evidence along with any amendments to these general orders. | 24-1475 | SAPOL 24-1475 Document 1 Document 2 |
16/02/2024 | I seek access to: 1) Any file held by the Police Commissioner that goes to the relocation of the Thebarton Police Barracks. 2) Any emails to or from the Police Commissioner that goes to the relocation of the Thebarton Police Barracks 3) Any file held by the Commander of SA Police Mounted Operations that goes to the relocation of the Thebarton Police Barracks. 4) Any emails to or from the Commander of SA Police Mounted Operations that goes to the relocation of the Thebarton Police Barracks. | 23-0883 | SAPOL 23-0883 Doc 3-12, 15, 17-18 & 20-21 |
25/01/2024 | I am seeking copy of recent SAPOL policy related to police officer tattoos and recruiting persons with tattoos. i am also seeking copy of SAPOL policy related to police foficers (sic) with one drink driving charge and one common assault charge. I understand these are policy documents. i am not just seeking the policy, but the actual start to finish of the policy and any and all committee work and or submissions from the public. I did not know of these polcies (sic) and I did not make any submissions to their introduction or use or any changes to the policies.” | 24-1432 | SAPOL 24-1432 Document 1 |
25/01/2024 | Number of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30-year service medals awarded since January 1, 2022. Number of outstanding service medals awaiting award as of 2 January 2024. | 24-1321 | SAPOL 24-1321 Document 1 Document 2 |
18/01/2024 | SAPOL policy, guidance or procedure document outlining rules for the use by SA police officers of Electronic Control Devices (ECDs). The document should be the one provided to police officers issued with an ECD and the one referred to by officers reviewing ECD discharge incidents. Here is an example of the document used in NSW. | 24-1311 | SAPOL 24-1311 Excerpt - GO Operational Safety |
22/12/2023 | The latest copies of SAPOL’s internal complaint management policy for staff complaints and grievances, including procedure guides and reporting requirements. | 23-2562 | SAPOL 23-2562 Document 1 Document 2 |
11/12/2023 |
“The total number of staffing disputes which went before the South Australian Employment Tribunal between 1 January 2017 and 30 September 2023; and A list disclosing the total cost in each year from 2019 to 2022 of settling civil claims against police, including matters relating to: a) unlawful searches; b) illegal arrest; c) false imprisonment; d) trespass; e) assault; f) harassment; g) malicious protection; and h) other civil liberties infringements or claims resulting from police misconduct.” | 24-1047 | SAPOL 24-1047 |
5/12/2023 | Creation of a document listing the number of times an Electronic Control Device (ECD) has been drawn and the number of times they have been discharged by SA Police officers (in operational use) for the years 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23. Essentially I would like an updated version of this document previously released by SAPOL: | 24-1193 | SAPOL 24-1193 |
22/11/2023 |
The total number of times a taser has been used by SAPOL from 1 January 2008 to 30 September 2023; and a breakdown of whether they were involved in: a) accidental discharge b) displayed only and not used c) laser painted and not deployed d) deployed ECD fired e) deployed (drive stun) f) deployed (ECD fired & drive stun) | 24-1001 | SAPOL 24-1001 |
22/11/2023 | A copy of all data (including spreadsheets and reports) indicating the total number and the type of violent incidents at each and all Australian Premier League Games held at Coopers Stadium in which Melbourne Victory are playing between 04/10/2022 to 04/10/2023. | 24-0718 | SAPOL 24-0718 |
15/11/2023 | Our team at No to Violence is working on a project to raise awareness of the risk of family violence incidents escalating during the holiday period. Are you able to advise how many family violence incidents were reported on the following dates?: - December 25, 2022 - December 26, 2022 - December 31, 2022 - January 1, 2023 - The week of 26 December 2022 - 1 January 2023 (And how this week compares to the average weekly number of FV reports over the 2022-23 financial year?) | 24-0983 | SAPOL 24-0983 |
15/11/2023 | Data providing the number of both applicants and recruits to SAPOL, by gender and age, for the calendar years 2020, 2021, 2022 and months from January to October 2023. | 24-0815 | SAPOL 24-0815 |
7/11/2023 | Request for Information – Enforcement Activities Related to Cannabis (2013-2023) Dear Freedom of Information Team, I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA) to request specific documents and data related to SAPOL's enforcement activities concerning the illicit use, cultivation, manufacture, sale, and distribution of cannabis (excluding medicinal cannabis contexts) from 2013 to 2023. 1.0 Budgetary and Cost Information: 1.1 Detailed budgets and financial reports related to enforcement activities against illicit cannabis. 1.1.1 I understand that specific financial data might be withheld due to potential economic implications, but overarching figures would be insightful. 1.2 Costs borne by SAPOL for: 1.2.1 investigations, 1.2.2 prosecutions, and 1.2.3 operations against illicit cannabis. (If exact figures might compromise economic interests, aggregate data would suffice.) 2.0 Operational Data: 2.1 KPIs pertaining to cannabis enforcement, if available. Redactions concerning sensitive methodologies or strategies are anticipated and understood. 2.2 Number of enforcement actions initiated against illicit cannabis activities and the completion rate. Please redact specific details that might compromise ongoing operations. 2.3 Broad data on enforcement actions yielding prosecutions and the overall estimated value of confiscated assets from cannabis activities. Individual case details or potentially confidential data are not necessary. 3.0 Policy Discussions and Reviews: 3.1 Communications discussing or proposing changes in enforcement strategies related to cannabis. Recognising the "deliberative process privilege", I expect that specific opinions, advice, or internal recommendations may be redacted. 3.2 Interactions with the Minister or other governmental entities on SAPOL's cannabis-related enforcement. Only overarching themes or non-deliberative content is sought. To provide clarity: - I am not seeking information that might compromise Law Enforcement and Public Safety or Operational Integrity. - If certain details fall under Legal Privilege, Confidential Information, or Personal Privacy, I am open to receiving redacted versions. - I anticipate potential concerns with Resource Intensive Requests and am willing to refine my request if necessary, based on your guidance. - I understand that some third-party communications, especially those with other enforcement agencies or departments, might be sensitive and am amenable to redacted or summarized data. - The aim is to conduct research on the costs linked with cannabis policies in Australia and their impacts on public policy | 24-0481 | SAPOL 24-0481 Minute to AGD dated 5 June 2018 |
7/11/2023 | The number of vehicles destroyed and the reasons why, for the calendar years of 2020, 2021, 2022, and YTD in 2023 | 24-0885 | SAPOL 24-0885 |
24/07/2023 | I would like a copy of all emails, meeting records, case notes, 3rd party advice, any documents used or sent in relation to the Gel Blaster independent review. This includes anything sent about the review or to the department/contractor/legal team detailing with the review. | 23-2350 | SAPOL 23-2350 Document 1 |
6/10/2023 | I request a copy of the full SAPOL General Order, Information - Access and Release | 24-0512 | Determination letter GO Information Access and Release |
14/09/2023 | I seek a copy of the complete ‘General Orders for Intervention Orders’. I understand that there are approximately 42 pages for this set of General Orders. I seek the four copies of a PD570 form. I also seek a copy of the General Orders for ‘Search and Seizures’ by SAPOL Officers. | 24-0030 | SAPOL 24-0030 Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 |
18/07/2023 | Documents related to fuel drive off offences between 2017 and 2022 inclusive as well as up to the date of the application being finalised in 2023 (so for eg June 21) (or the first five months of 2023). For each calendar year: - The number of reports from retailers/ petrol stations/ members of the public on fuel-related thefts; - The number of SACAD event - The number of investigations opened into an a fuel drive off offence; - The number of offenders arrested and/or charged for such an offence; - The number of successful prosecutions. - Please provide a breakdown of thefts by suburb. - Any copies of general orders that outline how officers should deal with said thefts Please allow a 28 grace period to allow for appeal processes to lapse before publishing on disclosure logs. | 23-2415 | SAPOL 23-2415 Document 1 |
24/07/2023 | I am seeking access to documents, specifically reports, briefing notes and attachments, audits relating to police officers not up to date with firearms training since January 1, 2022. Please also include the status of those who have undertaken firearms training - i.e., whether they passed or failed or given a particular time and reasons for failure. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and correspondence with media. | 23-2443 | SAPOL 23-2443 |
10/08/2023 | Requesting documents related to youth offending (offenders aged 18 and under) in Port Augusta and the Davenport community near Port Augusta. Including: - The number of youths arrested in Port Augusta and Davenport from May 24, 2022 to May 24, 2023 inclusive and each offender's age. - The number of youths from Port Augusta and Davenport charged with criminal offences from May 24, 2022 to May 24, 2023 inclusive. - The offences any youths arrested in Port Augusta and Davenport from May 24, 2022 to May 24, 2023 inclusive have been charged with. - The number of youths from Port Augusta and Davenport currently on police curfew and what their curfews are. - The number of youths from Port Augusta and Davenport currently on bail. - A month by month breakdown of how many youths from Port Augusta and Davenport have been charged with criminal offences and what the charges are from May 24, 2022 to May 24, 2023 inclusive. | 23-2444 | SAPOL 23-2444 |
Date of Determination | Application Summary | Agency Reference | Determination and/or documents |
16/06/2023 | How many Gel blasters are registered? How many licences have been approved or had the category added to an existing licence for Gel Blasters? Which towns are gel blasters registered and/or stored? How many people have been denied a licence for a Gel Blaster? How many incidents have happened relating to a Gel Blaster? Please separate between pre October 2020 and post. How many of those caused someone to be charged/reported/arrested for a Gel Blaster related offence? Which towns have the most Gel Blaster offences? What surveillance was conducted on retailers, fields, players and other stake holders? What reports, notes, meetings and surveillance was directed to me personally? | 23-2335 | SAPOL 23-2335 |
13/06/2023 | 1. Provide the SAPOL general orders/code of conduct with regards to interviewing someone suspected of a crime. 2. 1. Provide the SAPOL general orders/code of conduct with regards to interviewing someone suspected of a crime in front of others that are suspected of a crime. | 23-2348 | SAPOL 23-2348 Document 1 |
02/06/2023 |
"1. Provide all the SAPOL general orders/code of conduct in regards to the handling of emails, receiving, replying and sending of emails. 2. Provide all the SAPOL general orders/code of conduct in regards to answering phone calls and making phone calls. Corrupt tyrants don't reply to emails to cover up their corruption and don't answer the phones!" | 23-2340 | SAPOL 23-2340 Document 1 Document 2 |
29/05/2023 | A copy of a Police Commissioners review of the South Australia District Policing Model (DPM) which is based on SAPOL staffing shortages for the purposes of assessing the viability of the DPM, or any other report or other formal document commissioned by SAPOL for the purpose of assessing the DPM. AND All associated documentation informing a review of the DPM ,or any other report or other formal document commissioned for the purpose of assessing the DPM which includes but is not limited to, surveys, interview notes, reports, costing/budget reports, assessments of resourcing, any data analysis conducted, recruitment and staffing information and statistics, general recommendations. AND Any advice provided to the Commissioner resulting from information or recommendations detailed in a Police Commissioners review of the DPM, or any other report or other formal document commissioned for the purpose of assessing the DPM that is not advice of an exempt nature such as legal professional privilege or commercial sensitive but is not limited to just these examples. | 23-2275 | SAPOL 23-2275 Document 1 Document 2 |
29/05/2023 | Documents, specifically reports, executive/ministerial briefings, statistics, audits, correspondence including emails relating to: Number of police that have left and the reasons, including attrition through retirement / left the service/ transferred out/forced to leave If they have quit, please state the reason why. Please include a breakdown for each district or local service area. Number of police who have come to SA Police (new police/ transferred in). Timeframe: Since 1 January, 2022 to the date of this application. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publically released, media releases/reports/articles and correspondence with media. Please note, I consent to personal information such as contact numbers/email addresses being redacted, but I don’t consent to information being deemed irrelevant without consultation. | 23-1722 | SAPOL 23-1722 Document 1 Document 2 |
12/05/2023 | 1. Provide all the documents regarding the code of conduct/general orders in regards to CCTV security footage | 23-2102 | SAPOL 23-2102 Document 1 Document 2 |
12/05/2023 | The number of SAPOL callouts to the Adelaide Casino per month since 1 January 2020. Please categorise the reason for the attendance (ie intoxication, disturbance, assault) and the number of arrests. | 23-2088 | SAPOL 23-2088 |
12/05/2023 | Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to request access to information under the Freedom of Information Act 1991. I am seeking information relating to changes made to the South Australian Road Traffic Act 1961 (Part 3, div 5), specifically those sections related to the presence of Tetrahydrocannabinol (hereinafter referred to as "THC"). These significant changes came into effect on the 13th of February, 2023. I am concerned with the immediate loss of license resulting from any trace of THC found in the driver's system, regardless of whether it is legally prescribed or having any influence on the driver whatsoever. It is my understanding that a driver can lose their license even if they have not consumed the legally prescribed product for many days or weeks prior to driving. This has significant implications for patients who rely on medical cannabis to manage their symptoms and who may be unfairly punished under the new law. Therefore, I request the following information: 1. All data relied upon to justify changes to the Act. This should include studies and statistical data. 4. The data relied upon by the government to back the claim: "On average, over the past five years (2017 - 2021), 20% of drivers/riders killed on South Australian roads tested positive for a prescribed drug". 5. All South Australian statistics since 2017 related to drivers killed and injured as a result of any kind of drug, including where possible, a percentage breakdown stratified by individual drug. 6. Data/statistics relating to the total number of road accidents which resulted in death and injury since 2017, stratified by the reason for the accident where available. 7. Any data related to the number of accidents/deaths caused by drivers who were prescribed medical cannabis. 8. Data which shows the total number of roadside deaths since 2017 which have been a result of a driver who had THC alone in their system. The reason for this request is due to the absurdity of grouping a medical cannabis user with someone who is taking a concoction of drugs. Eg. To suggest someone whose BAC was .25 and had THC in their system (possibly from weeks ago) is a "drug driver" is clearly nonsensical, unless the "drug" is alcohol. 11. All documentation related to the specific equipment used to test for THC, including studies relied upon when taking into consideration the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the testing equipment. This should include data which details the false positive/negative rate, as well as detection timeframes depending on the consumption method. For example, data/studies relating to the detection periods of oral consumption of THC oil. Thank you for your time and consideration. | 23-2029 | SAPOL 23-2029 |
05/06/2023 | Documents, papers or briefings that show the cost of advertising road safety messages from 1 Jan 2023 until 31 March 2023 | 23-2042 | SAPOL 23-2042 |
30/03/2023 | Access to the review into regional policing undertaken by SAPOL, mentioned by the Minister in his answer during Question Time on Tuesday March 7th 2023 as follows: "My question is to the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services. Has the review by the Premier’s taskforce into regional policing been completed and presented to cabinet yet? Thank you to the Member for Flinders for his question. The taskforce hasn’t completed the work undertaken as was put by the member. The review into regional policing was in fact completed, and that work was undertaken wholly and solely by the police commissioner and by police as is their operational imperative." | 23-1896 | SAPOL 23-1896 Document 1 |
23/03/2023 |
Information on how many charges for sex work offences have been laid for the 2021/22 period. Of the charges laid, please provide a breakdown of offence type. The number of sex work related offences that have been finalised through police negotiations or by police withdrawing charges for the 2021/22 period. How many times SAPOL used its power to enter brothels under Section 32 of the Summary Offences Act for the 2021/22 period. | 23-1799 | SAPOL 23-1799 |
06/04/2023 | Documents, specifically reports, statistics, showing the cost incurred in 2021 and 2022 respectively by SA Police to repair/clean-up police assets which have sustained malicious damage. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases /reports/articles and correspondence with media. If emails are captured, please limit to the final thread of the conversation. If there are multiple briefing notes on the same topic, please limit to the most recent, along with any attachments. Please note, I do not consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. 'From' date 1/01/2022 'To' date 31/12/2022 | 23-1663 | SAPOL 23-1633 Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 Document 5 Document 6 Document 7 Document 8 Document 9 Document 10 Document 11 Document 16 |
22/03/2023 | A copy of all documents and data indicating the number of devices available in South Australia that can detect unregistered vehicles between 19/03/2022 and 14/02/2023. | 23-1755 | SAPOL 23-1755 |
22/03/2023 | A copy of all documents and data indicating the number of devices available in South Australia that can detect unregistered vehicles between 19/03/2022 and 14/02/2023. | 23-1756 | SAPOL 23-1756 |
27/02/2023 | A copy of all documents and data indicating the number of fines received or issued to people for driving without registration between 19/03/2022 and 14/02/2023. | 23-1757 | SAPOL 23-1757 Statistical data |
21/02/2023 | “The police operation manual for mobile speed guns. Not stationary or red light but mobile speed guns. Including all information on where and when they can be used. How often they have to be calibrated etc | 23-1501 | SAPOL 23-1501 Document 1 |
13/02/2023 |
“I apply under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 for the following information:
| 23-1519 | SAPOL 23-1519 |
07/02/2023 | "I request a copy of the General Order(s) relating to flexible working arrangements for sworn SAPOL members." | 23-1447 | SAPOL 23-1447 Document 1 |
13/01/2023 | “Documents, specifically reports, costs/expenses, correspondence including emails, AV material including CCTV/body-worn camera/video footage, audio, photos relating to wilful damage where your police agency is the victim. Timeframe: Since 1 January, 2021 to the date of the application. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/releases/articles and correspondence with media. If emails are captured, please limit to the final thread of the conversation. Please note, I do not consent to information in documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. However, I do consent to contact details being redacted.” | 23-1281 | SAPOL 23-1281 Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 Document 5 Document 6 Document 7 Document 8 Document 9 Document 10 Document 11 |
11/01/2023 | "In addition to Freedom of Application of 23-0917, I submit another FoI application for: - SAPOL submission to Liquor and Licensing Commission in 2020 opposing an application by the Adelaide Oval Stadium Management Authority’s (AOSMA) to serve alcohol in aluminium cans at Adelaide Oval; - Report from SAPOL’s Licensing Enforcement Branch provided to the SAPOL Executive in 2022 supporting a new application by AOSMA to the Liquor and Licensing Commission seeking to serve alcohol in aluminium cans at Adelaide Oval; - A list of who received the 2022 report and who signed off on its approval, and; - Copy of any decisions that were made by the SAPOL Executive as a direct result from the information contained within this report.” | 23-1257 | SAPOL 23-1257 |
11/01/2023 | “In addition to Freedom of Application of 23-0917, I submit another FoI application for: - A copy of the SAPOL Delegations Policy or Framework or Manual or Register that delegates responsibilities to either Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of the Operations Support Branch for decisions regarding liquor licence applications.” | 23-1266 | SAPOL 23-1266 |
11/01/2023 | “In addition to Freedom of Application of 23-0917, I submit another FoI application for: a. Between April 2019 up until 13 December 2022 b. In addition to listed types of attendant events; * Port Adelaide football home games inclusive of AFLW * Adelaide Crows football home games inclusive of AFLW * Adelaide Striker Big Bash League home games inclusive of Women’s Bog Bash league * SANFL football final series games played at AO * International cricket games i. Test matches ii. ICC one day matches iii. T-20 series and world cup Any function held at AO from April 2019 to 13 December 2022 where the Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner of Police and Assistant Commissioners of Police have attended as guests.” | 23-1264 | SAPOL 23-1264 |
11/01/2023 | “In addition to Freedom of Application of 23-0917, I submit another FoI application for: - Copy of any correspondence of and between - but not limited to email, text message, file notes, reports, logged phone calls and diary entries -the following: SAPOL Police Commissioner, Grant Stevens; SAPOL Deputy Commissioner, Linda Williams; and SAPOL Assistant Commissioner, Linda Fellows, and the Licensing Enforcement Branch with regard to AOSMA application to have its liquor licence varied to sell aluminium cans.” | 23-1259 | SAPOL 23-1259 |
11/01/2023 | “In addition to Freedom of Application of 23-0917, I submit another FoI application for: - Any correspondence between Eastern District Management and the Commissioner of Police and/or Deputy Commissioner of Police and/or other listed SAPOL members in relation to the AOSMA’s application” | 23-1263 | SAPOL 23-1263 Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 |
24/12/2022 | “Please provide copies of all documents containing the following information: Availability of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to former SAPOL officers and their family members. If the EAP is not available to former SAPOL officers and their family members, a list of services that are available to them.” | 23-0951 | SAPOL 23-0951 |
24/12/2022 | “Please provide copies of all documents containing the following information: A complete list of mental health services available to SAPOL employees, former employees and their families.” | 23-0948 | SAPOL 23-0948 (PDF 956KB) |
24/12/2022 | “Please provide copies of all documents containing the following information: The number of SAPOL officers and their families that utilise mental health services per year.” | 23-0949 | SAPOL 23-0949 (PDF 733KB) |
24/12/2022 | “Please provide copies of all documents containing the following information: Mandatory mental health evaluations/“check-ins” throughout SAPOL employment (including frequency and the process involved).” | 23-0953 | SAPOL 23-0953 (PDF 739KB) |
24/12/2022 | “Please provide copies of all documents containing the following information: The purpose and function of the SAPOL Mental Health Co-Response Project including how it applies to SAPOL employees and the eligibility criteria of the program. The number of people who use the program per year.” | 23-0954 | SAPOL 23-0954 (PDF 705KB) |
22/12/2022 | “I'm seeking documents each year, since 1 January, 2021 to the date of this application, relating to drug driving tests including: 1. The number of roadside drug tests last year and this year to date including their location 2. The number of times a positive reading has been returned from a roadside drug tests and breakdown of the types of drugs detected for the same time periods. 3. The number and value of fines issued for point 2. 4. Any issues with the accuracy of the drug tests. 5. Correspondence relating to more drug test capacity 5. The top 5 highest fine recipients in 2019 including their age, gender, postcode. I consent to edited copies of documents/video with exempt material redacted/pixilated. 2. Related video footage of the five positive tests undertaken in the first half of 2022. If some of the information can be provided outside of the Act, please advise.” | 23-0882 | SAPOL 23-0882 (PDF 802KB) If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
15/12/2022 | "A copy of a submission SAPOL provided in 2020 to the Liquor and Licensing Commission opposing an application by the Adelaide Oval Stadium Management Authority’s (AOSMA) to serve alcohol in aluminium cans at Adelaide Oval. A copy of a report by SAPOL’s Licensing Enforcement Branch and provided to the SAPOL Executive in 2022 supporting a new application by AOSMA to the Liquor and Licensing Commission seeking to serve alcohol in aluminium cans at Adelaide Oval. A list of who received the 2022 report and who signed off on its approval. Copy of any decisions that were made by the SAPOL Executive as a direct result from the information contained within this report. Copy of any correspondence of the following but is not limited to, email, text message, file notes, reports logged, phone calls and diary entries between police officers of the Operations Support Branch and the Licensing Enforcement Branch - including between SAPOL Assistant Commissioner, Linda Fellows, of the Operations Support Branch and Greg Hutchins of the Licensing Enforcement Branch in relation to the AOSMA application to have its liquor licence varied to serve alcohol in aluminum cans. Copy of a report or file of SAPOL Licensing Enforcement Branch – or any other SAPOL division - conducting a risk management assessment as per SAPOL policy requirement when notified of the AOSMA application to have its liquor licence varied to serve alcohol in aluminium cans. Copy of any correspondence of and between - but not limited to email, text message, file notes, reports, logged phone calls and diary entries - the following: SAPOL Police Commissioner, Grant Stevens; SAPOL Deputy Commissioner, Linda Williams; and SAPOL Assistant Commissioner, Linda Fellows, and the Licensing Enforcement Branch with regard to AOSMA application to have its liquor licence varied to sell aluminium cans. Copies of operation logs from SAPOL’s Emergency and Event Management Section from 2018 of significant events – including AFL and SANFL football games and all international cricket games held at Adelaide Oval. Any minutes of SAPOL’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in relation to the AOSMA’s application Any correspondence between Superintendent Watkins (Chief-of-staff for the Commissioner of Police) and the Commissioner of Police and/or the Deputy Commissioner of Police and/or other listed SAPOL members in relation to the AOSMA’s application Any correspondence between Eastern District Management and the Commissioner of Police and/or Deputy Commissioner of Police and/or other listed SAPOL members in relation to the AOSMA’s application Information on the number of times has the Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner of Police and Assistant Commissioners of Police have attended events at Adelaide Oval with complimentary tickets (i.e. as a guest of AOSMA, Adelaide Crows, SACA, etc) including dates, functions and number of guests invited. A copy of the conflict of interest declaration of Assistant Commissioner Linda Fellows re her role on the board of the Adelaide Crows and involvement in this matter. A copy of the SAPOL Delegations Policy or Framework or Manual or Register that delegates responsibilities to either Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of the Operations Support Branch for decisions regarding liquor licence applications." | 23-0917 | SAPOL 23-0917 (PDF 785KB) Related PDF documents: Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 Document 5 Document 6 Document 7 Document 8 Document 9 Document 10 Document 11 Document 12 Document 13 Document 14 Document 15 Document 16 Document 17 Document 18 Document 19 Document 20 Document 21 Document 22 Document 23 Document 24 Document 25 Document 26 Document 27 Document 28 Document 29 Document 30 |
15/12/2022 | “Please provide copies of all documents containing the following information: The number of police officers (per year) who go on leave or are discharged due to mental health reasons and what early intervention support is given to them in between mental health issues being identified and the officer being discharged, or relevant leave being taken.” | 23-0950 | SAPOL 23-0950 (PDF 714KB) |
01/12/2022 | "A copy of data reflecting how many South Australians have been issued expiations and any other fines related to the use of privately owned electronic personal transport devices including e-scooters, e-skateboards, one-wheels and other similar devices from 1/02/2019 to 4/11/2022." | 23-1005 | SAPOL 23-1005 (PDF 740KB) |
25/11/2022 | "All Audit Management Letters to and from the Auditor-General's Department for the 2021-2022 financial year and any corresponding audit reports which arose from such correspondence during this audit period." | 23-0741 | SAPOL 23-0741 (PDF 786KB) |
19/11/2022 | “Number of currently serving SAPOL officers who have a complaint of domestic violence reported against them from 2017 to 2022 and broken down into number of these reports per year. Number of currently serving SAPOL officers who have an active court ordered interim intervention order made against them as a result of a domestic violence report from 2017 to 2022. Number of currently serving SAPOL officers who have a court ordered final intervention order made against them as a result of a domestic violence report from 2017 to 2022. Number of currently serving SAPOL officers who are currently in court litigation of an interim intervention order made against them as a result a domestic violence report. Of the currently serving SAPOL officers subject to interim and final intervention orders made by a court how many of those resulted from a criminal charge? and what was the category of charge? date ranges from 2017 to 2022. Of the currently serving SAPOL officers subject to interim and final intervention orders how many are Police ordered interim interventions (PIIO) which result from a criminal offence? How many are as a result of a private intervention order? Of the SAPOL officers who have interim and final intervention orders made against them include children, if so how many children are subjected to these orders.” | 23-0834 | SAPOL 23-0834 |
18/11/2022 | a) All documents that evidence personal incentives, financial gains, or any other reward-based programs that may motivate an SA Police Officer to issue an Expiation Notice. b) All documents that evidence SA Police Officers may be required to meet Expiation Notice targets during a predetermined time frame c) All documents that evidence any Expiation Notice targets for SA Police departments d) All documents that the SA Police Commissioner relied on to make an informed decision to mandate mask wearing e) All documents SA POLICE received that evidence masks stop the spread of COVID19 which lead to the SA Police Commissioners Direction to enforce mask wearing f) All documents that evidence SA Police police by consent g) The document that lists all the different specific reasons an Expiation Notice may be withdrawn h) All documents that evidence an Expiation Withdrawal Notice is not required to specify the reason for its withdrawal i) All documents that evidence the definition of the word SPECIFY as used in the Expiation of Offences Act 1996 j) All documents that evidence that the word MUST when used in the Expiation of Offences Act 1996 has a definition different to the definition defined in the Legislation Interpretation Act 2021, Section 11 (3) k) All documents that evidence an SA Police Officer has the authority to specifically demand a Driver's Licence as a form of identification in a non-traffic related incident l) All documents that evidence a wo/man is obligated to present a Driver's Licence as a form of identification, to an SA Police Officer, in a non-traffic related incident m) All documents that evidence an SA Police Officer has the authority to remove, without prior consent form the holder, property from the holder, who at the time of removal is not under arrest, nor is presented with a Section of an Act that grants the officers authority to remove the property n) All documents that evidence that the notice "Use of this permit/licence for identification purposes, other than for policing road traffic laws, is not intended or aurthorised, and is solely at the risk of the user", on the rear of the SA Driver's Licence is void, has no standing, and is to be ignored by all SA Police Officers o) All documents that evidence SA Police Officers are acting within the law or have the authority to repeatedly and specifically demand for a Driver's Licence in a non-traffic related incident, especially after the holder expressed to the Police Officer that the matter is not a traffic related incident and noticed the Police Officer that the rear of the licence states they don't have to present this to the Police Officer p) All documents that evidence a wo/man must obey the demand of an SA Police Officer if the Police Officer states "you have to because I told you to", whilst not expressing nor presenting any legislation or section of an act to evidence their authority during the matter q) All documents that evidence the penalty for unlawful possession of personal property if guilty of such offence r) All documents that evidence how SA Police Offices must conduct themselves when addressing the public s) All documents that evidence an SA Police Officer must state the legislation that grants their authority, if that Police Officer is presented with a reasonable excuse for non-compliance, before they continue to enforce that authority t) All documents that evidence an SA Police Officer does not have to identify themselves when asked for a form of identification after a Police Officer has demanded personal details from a wo/man u) All documents that evidence when an SA Police Officer is asked for a form of identification they do not have to respond and are merely required to point at their shoulder number v) All documents that evidence how an SA Police Officer must identify themselves | 23-0865 | SAPOL 23-0865 Doc 1 Doc 2 Doc 3 Doc 4 Doc 5 Doc 6 Doc 7 Doc 8 Doc 9 Doc 10 Doc 11 Doc 12 |
28/09/2022 | 1. a) Copy of the original method and methodology conducted by the SAPOL ballistician and that was used to determine that Gel Blasters utilize compressed air to fire and thus meet the definition of a firearm as defined under the Firearms Act 2015 (the Act). b) Copy of the original resulting findings 2. Number of Gel Blasters surrendered since 8th October 2020 3. Copy of the original approach, method and stakeholder consultation, including number and persons and organisations/businesses that led to the amendment of the Act 4. Copy of the internal SAPOL review and final report that was undertaken in 2019/20 including consultation process and communications and engagement plan prior to the 8th October 2020 regulation | 23-0448 | SAPOL 23-0448 |
26/10/2022 | “On April 16 2019 SAPOL’s then Officer in Charge of Firearms (Superintendent Stephen Howard) publicly announced that Gel Blasters were considered a toy and did not meet the definition of a firearm as defined under the Firearms Act 2015 (the Act). On October 7 2020 SAPOL’s then Officer in Charge of Firearms (Superintendent Stephen Howard) publicly announced that Gel Blasters had evolved and thus met the definition of a firearm as defined under the Firearms Act 2015 (the Act) What was the evolution with Gel Blasters that determined they met the definition of firearms as of 8th October 2020 as defined under the Firearms Act 2015 (the Act).” | 23-0672 | SAPOL 23-0672 Commissioner's briefing paper - Gel blasters |
02/09/2022 | “From 1/1/202 to 29/8/2022 -information on the number of drink and drug driving testing programs operational at local schools - the number of people caught drink or drug driving around school pick up and drop off - the number of programs targeting alcohol and drug testing around schools - Is there a number of recorded prosecutions for people caught drink or drug driving with children in the vehicle? if so, what are the details.” | 23-0474 | SAPOL 23-0474 (pdf 704KB) |
01/09/2022 | “- Numbers of SAPOL staff who have sought assistance for mental health reasons. - Number of SAPOL staff absent due to mental health issues. - Number of SAPOL staff on long-term leave due to PTSD due as a result of their employment at SAPOL.” | 23-0196 | SAPOL 23-0196 (pdf 685KB) |
24/08/2022 | SANDY, Alison - Seven Network - Requesting documents, specifically reports, executive briefings and attachments and internal correspondence such as emails, AV material (if relevant) relating to police officers taking other jobs/employment (ie. a second job) since 1 January, 2019. Please also include second jobs that were refused. In the past when we’ve applied for this information, we’ve been provided a list of jobs and the number of officers doing them. If that exists, we’d be happy to limit to only that, along with a list of jobs that officers applied to do (as a second job) or were already doing which did not have the consent of the agency, or were refused permission. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and correspondence with media. I consent to documents/video beings released with exempt material redacted/pixilated. I don’t consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation, but I do consent to being provided edited copies of documents/photos/footage with personal information redacted/pixilated. | 23/0293 | SAPOL 23/0923 (pdf 803KB) |
01/07/2022 | The full report titled "Review of SA COVID-19 Preparedness" prepared by Crisis Management Australia for SA Police and scheduled for completion on November 1, 2021. The review was a "consultancy to undertake a review of South Australia’s preparedness for a future COVID-19 outbreak". A contract for the preparation of the report was executed between SAPOL and Crisis Management Australia on September 30, 2021. | 22/2175 | SAPOL 22/2175 (pdf 689KB) Review of SA COVID-19 Preparedness (pdf 519kb) |
Date of Determination | Application Summary | Agency Reference | Determination and/or documents |
19/04/2022 | 1) SAPOL prosecutors code of conduct. 2) All SAPOL prosecutors procedures in the gathering of evidence to make sure evidence has not been altered/tampered with or none existent before putting any evidence in a court of record. 3) SAPOL code of conduct in regards to fabricating evidence and putting that evidence before a court of record, on the record. 3) SAPOL code of conduct in regards to altering /tampering with police body camera footage and or anyone else's video footage like a phone, GOPRO or any other recoding devise police seized/stole. 4) SAPOL code of conduct in regards to concealing evidence, for example an accused interview/charged recording. 5) SAPOL code of conduct in regards to concealing evidence, for an example police body camera footage, police station security camera footage or any other footage in there (sic) possession from a recording device. 6) SAPOL code of conduct in regards to perjury on the stand or on an affidavit. 7) SAPOL code of conduct in regards to destroying body camera footage by not following procedure and saving the footage to the system. | 22-1823 | SAPOL 22-1823 Document 1 |
30/03/2022 | I am requesting statistical information regarding South Australia Police officers who were respondents in domestic violence matters as recorded in police incident reports/summary occurrence reports and/or criminal and complaint investigation reports and briefings produced by the ethical and professional standards branch during (a) 2020 and (b) 2021. Specifically, I am seeking data for each calendar year on (i) the total number of officers, by gender and rank, named as respondents on domestic violence intervention orders (ii) the total number of officers, by gender and rank, charged with domestic violence related offences and the specific charges laid (iii) the total number of officers, by gender and rank, convicted in court of their domestic violence charges and which specific charges (iv) the total number of officers, by gender and rank, convicted in court of their domestic violence charges (and which specific charges) who remain employed by South Australia Police. I would be satisfied to receive a de-identified summary of this data.” | 22/1437 | SAPOL 22/1437 |
21/01/2022 | "ONLINE-MEDIA-Alison SANDY-SEVEN NEWS-no and value of speeding fines issued by fixed digital speed cameras incl point to point cameras & postcode for FY 19/20 20/21. Top highest 10 speed recorded on speed cameras for Calendar year 2021" | 22/1067 | SAPOL 22/1067 (pdf 872KB) If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
17/11/2021 | “Documents, specifically reports, statistics, spreadsheets and reviews relating to COVID-19 related fines. I would expect the documents to capture how many fines have been issued since 1 March 2020. I’m specifically seeking access to documents containing the following information: * The number and amount in $ of COVID-19 related fines issued; * A breakdown of the types of offences and where and when they occurred; * Of those, how many were paid, how many are overdue and how many were rescinded and why. * What the money collected in fines is spent on, or where it goes.” | 22/0380 | SAPOL 22/0380 (pdf 1MB) |
28/10/2021 | “Documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, statistics, photos and CCTV/video, for the past two financial years (2018/19 and 2019/20) in relation to un-roadworthy vehicles, in particular: 1. The number of defect notices for un-roadworthy vehicles detected across SA each year for the past five years respectively (2017-21 to date) 2. The number and valued of infringement notices issued last year (2020) and this year to date (2021). 3. Of those in point 2, a breakdown of where they were issued. 4. Of those in point 2, a breakdown of whether the defects are minor or major (or level of severity). 5. Any related AV material such as footage or photos. If footage of more than 5 un-roadworthy vehicles are located, please limit to the most recent.” | 22/0237 | SAPOL 22/0237 (pdf 2.5MB) If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
21/10/2021 | “..the number of people who have entered South Australia from interstate when the South Australian borders have been closed, in the situation they were escaping domestic violence or assisting someone escaping a domestic violence situation since July 2020…” | 22/0738 | SAPOL 22/0738 (pdf 1MB) |
18/10/2021 | “the number of motor vehicle or pedestrian accidents, incidents or crash reports that have occurred on Winns Road, Coromandel Valley and on the intersections of Winns Road/Main Road and Winns Road/Coromandel Parade since January 2011 Ref: 2997JT” | 22/0737 | SAPOL 22/0737 (pdf 1MB) |
07/10/2021 | “Number of charges laid, for each of the last five financial years, for offenders allegedly committing any assault on a police officer in which the victim comes into contact with the offenders biological material (spitting etc). From 1 July 2016 to 1 July 2021” | 22/0343 | SAPOL 22/0343 (pdf 2MB) |
22/09/2021 | "I am reaching out on behalf of No to Violence, Australia's largest peak body for organisations that work directly with men who use violence. I am touching base with a data request for: - the number of domestic violence-related crimes recorded by SA Police in the 2020/2021 Financial year – the number of domestic violence-related crimes recorded by SA Police on 24 October 2020 in the 24-hour period. – the number of domestic violence-related crimes recorded by SA Police on 25 October 2020, in the 24-hour period . – the number of domestic violence-related crimes recorded by SA Police on 26 October 2020, in the 24-hour period. We want to compare the data on these specific dates of the Grand Finals for AFL and NRL in 2020, to daily average number of domestic violence- related crimes recoded by the SA Police in the 2020/2021 Financial year. If the data from the financial year in not year available, are you able to provide me with the 12-month data that relates to cases for the period from Apr 2020 to March 2021. We would like to include the data in an upcoming media campaign using the following analysis: Last year, there were % more/less repots of domestic violence - related crimes on AFL Grand Final Day than the average daily number of reported family violence assaults and related offences reported in July 2020 to June 2021 in SA. So just to clarify, for the specific dates and times of the Grand Final Weekend in 2020, we require the data is from 00:01 - 23:59 24/10/2020, 00:01 - 23:59 25/10/20, 00:01 – 23:5926/10/20. You may recall we have previously requested this data from 2019 when we did a media campaign last year on the increase of reported family violence assaults and related offences. During Public holidays and look forward to receiving this data again for this year’s campaign.” | 22/0295 | SAPOL 22/0295 (pdf 2MB) |
15/09/2021 | “From January 2018, a monthly breakdown of data/statistics related to offences reported to police where a bladed weapon was involved. May be offences where a bladed weapon was used, seized by police, sighted by police, or reported to police by a third party.” | 22/0242 | SAPOL 22/0242 (pdf 3 MB) |
17/08/2021 |
“I write seeking access to documents concerning de-identified statistical data on stalking offences under Section 19AA of the Criminal Law Consolidated [sic] Act 1935 for each month and year from 2009 to 2021 where a person has been charged, prosecuted, convicted or fined on the following FOI scope
parameters; 1. Follows another person, 2. Enters or loiters outside a place frequented by the other person, 3. Keeps the other person under surveillance, 4. Engages in the conduct using technology to facilitate stalking to benefit himself/herself or others in situations of access to telephone, voicemail, SMS messages, email, tracking smart phone’s locations to give such effect, 5. Enters into an agreement to cause serious physical or mental harm to the other person. I am not seeking any personal affairs information in this request and are (sic) happy to receive this information in a prepared table format of data.” | 22/0102 | SAPOL 22/0102 (pdf 2 MB) |
03/08/2021 |
“I write seeking access to documents concerning de-identified statistical data on computer offences under the Criminal Law Consolidated Act 1935 for each month and year from 2009 to 2021 where a person has been charged, prosecuted, convicted or fined on each of the following elements; 1. Misuse of a computer or electronic communications, 2. Unauthorized (sic) access to data stored in a computer system, 3. Unauthorized (sic) modification, falsification or concealment of data stored in a computer system. 4. Unauthorized (sic) deletion of a record stored in a computer system, 5. Any misleading impression or existence or terms of a transaction to which the document appears to relate, 6. Unauthorized (sic) impairment of electronic communications to or from any computer, 7. Data surveillance on a person where a business owner or owner of a computer license (sic) engages in conduct to facilitate manipulation of data or to deceive or cause a benefit to someone else about the data true state of affairs, 8. Use of a computer in technology facilitated abuse to track a person’s communications, 9. Damaging evidence with intent knowing something is or may be needed in evidence for judicial proceedings, I am not seeking any personal affairs information in this request and are (sic) happy to receive this information in a prepared table format of data. ” | 21/0051 | SAPOL 21/0051 (pdf 892 KB) |
02/08/2021 | I request documents relating to motorists caught speeding in school zones. Specifically I’m seeking reports, correspondence such as emails, briefing notes and attachments containing the following information: 1. The number of motorists caught speeding through speed zones in SA in 2020 and 2021 (to date) respectively. 2. A breakdown of how far they were over the speed limit. Ie. 10km/h or less, 15km/h or less, 20km/hr or less, 20km/h-plus. 3. The top 10 places in Adelaide where they were caught speeding and a breakdown of how many were caught for each in the past year. 4. The top 5 lead foots (ie. motorists travelling the most over the speed limit) including how fast they were going, where and when they were caught. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, and media reports/articles/statements. Please note I do not consent to any documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. | 21/2409 | SAPOL 21/2409 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
12/07/2021 | “Breakdown for each financial year from 2011-2014 the Numbers and data of: vehicles seized vehicles crushed vehicles sold vehicles clamped otherwise disposed of How many vehicles were voluntary [sic] crushed. How many vehicles were crushed under the Sheriff or the Commissioners [sic] orders. A breakdown of which offence the vehicle was initially impounded or clamped - whether a person was charged, arrested or reported for an offence [from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2014]” | 21/2418 | SAPOL 21/2418 (pdf 600 KB) |
12/07/2021 | “Breakdown for each financial year from 2018-2021 the Numbers and data of: vehicles seized vehicles crushed vehicles sold vehicles clamped otherwise disposed of How many vehicles were voluntary [sic] crushed. How many vehicles were crushed under the Sheriff or the Commissioners [sic] orders. A breakdown of which offence the vehicle was initially impounded or clamped - whether a person was charged, arrested or reported for an offence from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021” | 21/2441 | SAPOL 21/2441 (pdf 627 KB) |
12/07/2021 | “Breakdown for each financial year from 2014-2018 the Numbers and data of: vehicles seized vehicles crushed vehicles sold vehicles clamped otherwise disposed of How many vehicles were voluntary [sic] crushed. How many vehicles were crushed under the Sheriff or the Commissioners [sic] orders. A breakdown of which offence the vehicle was initially impounded or clamped - whether a person was charged, arrested or reported for an offence [from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2018]” | 21/2442 | SAPOL 21/2442 (647 KB) |
Date of Determination | Application Summary | Agency Reference | Determination and/or documents |
09/06/2021 | “Are you able to provide a breakdown of how many times tasers have been discharged and or drawn by SA Police Officers between July 2016 and July 2020? In addition how many times an officer has drawn or fired their handguns during the same period. Can you also provide up to four examples of new body worn/taser cctv/ video footage of a taser being discharged and hitting an offender? I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names” | 21/1840 | SAPOL 21/1840 (pdf 3.0 MB) |
12/05/2021 | "Total number of investigations each year undertaken into alleged criminal activity, specifically related to suspicious financial transactions at Adelaide Casino - Summary of complaints and/or investigations undertaken into alleged criminal activity, specifically related to suspicious financial transactions at Adelaide Casino. (Please include date/s and circumstances of alleged offence/s (including any photos and/or CCTV footage), which unit in SAPOL investigated by, gaming area where alleged offence/s occurred (eg gaming table/pokies/high roller etc) and whether referred for prosecution/outcome of prosecution) - Number of referrals to SA Police from AUSTRAC regarding suspicious financial transactions at Adelaide Casino each year between date period. I am happy for any identities to be blurred/redacted. I ask that my permission be sought before the release of my personal information, including to a third party." | 21/2050 | SAPOL 21/2050 (pdf 2.2 MB) |
10/05/2021 | “How many people have been charged with an offence relating to Gel Blasters since 07/10/2020?” | 21/1975 | SAPOL 21/1975 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
10/05/2021 | "How many firearms licences have been applied for since the Gel Blasters have been declared ‘firearms’ 07/10/2020 until 07/04/2021. How many firearms licence [sic] were applied for in the same timeframe for the year before…” | 21/1974 | SAPOL 21/1974 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
23/04/2021 | "Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters and any other correspondence regarding any policy to guide the decision to grant bail by an authorised police officer who is acting as a ‘bail authority’ for the purposes of the Bail Act 1985 pursuant to Section 10 and/or Section 10A of the Act. From 1/1/20-12/4/21" | 21/1999 | SAPOL 21/1999 (pdf 2.7 MB) |
14/04/2021 | "I am seeking access to documents since 1 January, 2020, specifically reports, briefings, audits, AV material, reviews and statistics relating to cybercrime If video footage is captured, please limit to the first 10 clips located. Please limit searches to the Officer in Charge of the Cybercrime unit." | 21/1421 | SAPOL 21/1421 (pdf 870.2 KB) |
15/04/2021 | "Of the number of Random Breath Tests conducted in the past two years, to date: how many tests were conducted in total? how many of those tests were for both alcohol (PCA) and drug driving?" | 21/1954 | SAPOL 21/1954 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
21/04/2021 | "I am seeking access to documents since 1 January, 2020, specifically reports, briefings, audits, AV material, reviews and statistics relating to the police assistance line. I would expect to capture statistics such as how many calls received, how many actioned, how many had resources deployed, how many were abandoned, how many reviewed/investigated. I would also expect to capture the grade of service and any audio of calls (and transcripts of that audio if it exists) that were reviewed. If audio is captured, please limit to the first 10 located. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media. Please note, I do not consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation and I do consent to edited copies of documents with exempt material redacted or blurred/pixilated." | 21/1414 | SAPOL 21/1414 (pdf 1.0 MB) |
08/04/2022 | "All documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, internal discussion papers, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) referencing all costs associated with operating police stations, broken down by location of police station and opening hours. From 25/03/2018-02/03/2021" | 21/1722 | SAPOL 21/1722 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
29/03/2021 | "The amount of times drivers have been drug tested in school zones. How many drivers came back with positive results. A breakdown of the drugs detected." | 21/1721 | SAPOL 21/1721 (pdf 372 KB) |
22/03/2021 | "All documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, internal discussion papers, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) referencing and breaking down the number of clerical errors made in expiation notices, and..." | 21/1724 | SAPOL 21/1724 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
16/03/2021 | "I am seeking access to documents, specifically reports, ministerial/executive/hot issues briefs/briefings and attachments, audits, reviews, internal correspondence relating to equipment/assets that are lost, missing or stolen. Please also include details of whether they were retrieved/found and the cost. If the information I’m seeking exists in one document, I’m happy to limit my application to just that. However, if AV material including photos/video footage exist of the asset/device/equipment, I’d expect that to be included. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases /reports/articles and correspondence with media. If emails are captured, please limit to the final thread of the conversation. If there are multiple briefing notes on the same topic, please limit to the most recent, along with any attachments. Timeframe: since 1 January, 2020..." | 21/0821 | SAPOL 21/0821 (pdf 3.0 MB) |
17/03/2021 | "All documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, internal discussion papers, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) referencing the number of serious offences against police officers. From 25/03/18 - 02/03/21" | 21/1726 | SAPOL 21/1726 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
11/03/2021 | "a) Number of reported offences in South Australia between 1 January 2010 and 1 February 2020 under Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 – Section 85B – Special provision for causing a bushfire: (1) A person who causes a bushfire - (i) intending to cause a bushfire; or (ii) being recklessly indifferent as to whether his or her conduct causes a bushfire (2) A bushfire fire that burns, or threatens to burn, out of control causing damage to vegetation (whether or not other property is also damaged or threatened). b) Sentences resulting from the above offences (b) c) Above data (a) and (b) split by year d) Above data (a) and (b) split by year and month We request the information to be provided in electronic copies, saved in Excel or CSV format..." | 21/1526 | SAPOL 21/1526 (pdf 3.0 MB) |
10/03/2021 | "Statistical data relating to Operation Nomad persons of interest for each of the fire seasons from 2016/17 to 2020/21, including - total number of persons of interest - total number of persons of interest identified as high risk - total number of persons of interest identified as a significant risk, and - total number of persons of interest identified as a possible risk - total number of home visits conducted by police on Operation Nomad persons of interest during each of these fire seasons From 1/9/16 to 23/2/21." | 21/1653 | SAPOL 21/1653 (pdf 557 KB) |
03/03/2021 | "We had an FOI re drug & drink driving, but would like data re 2019/2020 & 2020/2021, how many tested positive for BOTH drink driving & drug driving. Required urgent." | 21/1672 | SAPOL 21/1672 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
03/03/2021 | "Total number of vehicles that were impounded in the 2019-2020 financial year. The current cost to SAPOL to store these vehicles. The number of motorbikes and trail bikes impounded, for the 2019-2020 financial year and the cost to SAPOL to impound and store". | 21/1544 | SAPOL 21/1544 (pdf 2.1 MB) |
18/02/2021 | "I seek access to the following information: full financial year figures for the number of motorists convicted of driving while disqualified from 2015 to 2020. full financial year figures for the number of motorists sentenced to a term of imprisonment after being convicted of driving while disqualified from 2015 to 2020. full financial year figures for the number of motorists who were convicted but received a suspended sentence after being convicted of driving while disqualified from 2015 to 2020. full financial year figures for the number of motorists who were charged with driving while disqualified from 2015 to 2020 but received without conviction outcomes. the number of motorists caught driving while disqualified from twice to five times or more over the same five-year period. the number of motorists caught driving while disqualified more than five times over the same five-year period. Of the worst ten offenders during that period, how many times were they charged with driving while disqualified, what years were the offences committed and what were the court outcomes (costs of fine, licence disqualification or prison sentence including any suspended term and bond)." | 21/1480 | SAPOL 21/1480 (pdf 3.0 MB) |
17/02/2021 |
"Total number of licensed firearms reported stolen to police this year and last year (mutually exclusive please)? What are the dates and locations (limit to City, or if it’s not a city, LSA) this year. Were the licensed firearms reportedly stolen from residential or commercial premises? How many of
those reported stolen licensed firearms were unsecured? And related AV material – up to five video clips. If footage isn’t capture, photos please. Total number of licensed firearms reported stolen to police this year and last year (mutually exclusive please)? What are the dates and locations (limit to City, or if it’s not a city, LSA) this year. Were the licensed firearms reportedly stolen from residential or commercial premises? How many of those reported stolen licensed firearms were unsecured? And related AV material – up to five video clips. If footage isn’t capture, photos please." | 21/1043 | SAPOL 21/1043 (pdf 1.0 MB) |
17/02/2021 | "I am seeking access to documents, specifically reports, ministerial/executive/hot issues briefs/briefings and attachments, audits, reviews, internal correspondence relating to equipment/assets that are lost, missing or stolen. Please also include details of whether they were retrieved/found and the cost. If the information I’m seeking exists in one document, I’m happy to limit my application to just that. However, if AV material including photos/video footage exist of the asset/device/equipment, I’d expect that to be included. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases /reports/articles and correspondence with media. If emails are captured, please limit to the final thread of the conversation. If there are multiple briefing notes on the same topic, please limit to the most recent, along with any attachments. Timeframe: since 1 January, 2020." | 21/0881 | SAPOL 21/0881 (pdf 1.0 MB) |
11/02/2021 | "Any and all documents and internal correspondence (including, but not limited to, emails, minutes, briefings, letters and notes) regarding the relocation of Hindley Street Police Station and interim arrangements" | 21/0665 | SAPOL 21/0665 (pdf 6.3 MB) |
02/02/2021 | “I am seeking a list of suspicious fires across metropolitan Adelaide. I am requesting information including the date, location (street and suburb), type of fire (house, car, fence etc.) and estimated damage. I also wish to request information for each incident on whether police laid any charges or the investigation is continuing.” | 21/0743 | SAPOL 21/0743 (pdf 1.0 MB) |
28/01/2021 | "Any and all documents and internal correspondence (including, but not limited to, emails, minutes, briefings, letters and notes) regarding discussions between SAPOL and any other State Government departments and agencies (including SES and CFS) concerning the recruitment of non-Police officers to assist in SAPOL's COVID response activities, as reported in the Advertiser on 28/9/20." | 21/0666 | SAPOL 21/0666 (pdf 6.9 MB) |
14/01/2021 | “A statistical table of COVID-19 expiations issued listed by (i) postcode of the person issued expiation, (ii) reason for the expiation, (iii) gender of the person issued expiation, (iv) age of the person issued an expiation, (v) date the expiation was issued. From 1/3/20 to 2/1/21” | 21/1263 | SAPOL 21/1263 (pdf 11.5 MB) |
29/12/2020 |
“Documents since 1 January, 2019, specifically reports, briefings and attachments and photos and CCTV/video footage, relating to damage to wilful damage incidents where SA Police were the victim. I would expect this to include incidents where someone rams a police car, jail cell fires, drive-bys. Please
include the numbers each year of wilful damage incidents where SA Police were the victim and the cost to repair, but limit incident reports to just those where CCTV/video footage where CCTV/video footage is captured. If more than 10 incidents with CCTV/video footage are captured, please limit to the
first 10 incident reports and related CCTV/video footage located. Please undertake searches for footage chronologically from 1 January 2019. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and correspondence with media. I consent to documents/video
beings released with personal material redacted/pixilated.” **If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents, please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference.** | 21/0560 | SAPOL 21/0560 (pdf 15.4 MB) |
17/12/2020 |
“I am seeking documents since 1 July, 2019, to the date of this application relating to drivers fined for driving in transit lanes each year for the past financial year. I am specifically seeking documents such as reports and related AV material containing the following: 1. The number of motorists
fined for driving while using a mobile phone across SA each year for the past financial year; 2. A breakdown of the top 10 locations for the past financial year and the number of fines incurred for each. 3. Footage/photos of 10 motorists caught on camera fined for driving while using a mobile phone and
the related report in the past financial year only. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released including under GIPA legislation, media reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media. Please note I do not consent to information in documents being deemed irrelevant
without consultation but consent to personal information such as names and addresses of motorists being redacted.” **If you wish to obtain a copy of the documents, please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference.** | 21/0319 | SAPOL 21/0319 (pdf 7.0 MB) |
15/12/2020 |
"Documents since 1 January 2019, specifically reports and related AV material (including bodyworn camera and cameras, mobile phone camera, pol air and police vehicle cameras, other video footage captured) relating to people being charged for evade police and failing to stop for police. If footage of
more than 10 incidents are captured. please limit to just those 10 incidents where footage is located along with the related incident reports. Please do searches for footage chronologically starting with those in 2019. If different types of footage is captured, please include all footage. Please exclude
those where legal action is pending. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been released publicly, media reports/articles/statements and correspondence with media. Please note I confirm I am happy to accept edited copies of documents/footage/photos with exempt material redacted/pixilated/cropped." **If you wish to obtain a copy of the documents, please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference.** | 21/0429 | SAPOL 21/0429 (pdf 3.2 MB) |
07/12/2020 | “I wish to access all documents relating to charges laid, number of charges, number of reported incidents and date of all incidents involving gel blasters over the past two (2) years. Timeframe 05/11/2018 to 05/11/2020.” | 21/0922 | SAPOL 21/0922 (pdf 2.1 MB) |
05/11/2020 |
“Documents, specifically reports, and related CCTV/body worn camera/video footage since 1 January, 2019, to the date of this application relating to arrests where the charge was at least “unlawful possession of dangerous drugs” or unlawful possession of weapons”. Please limit to those where the Serious
Crime investigation branch was involved. I’d expect dash cam, pol air and any raid footage to be included. If there are five incidents with footage captured, and the related reports, I’d be happy to limit to just that. When undertaking searches, please start from the oldest incidents within the timeframe,
to the newest. Please exclude those with legal action pending. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media report/articles/releases and correspondence with media. If documents with duplicate information are captured, please limit to just one version of those documents.”
I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names and faces redacted/pixilated/blurred. **If you wish to obtain a copy of the documents, please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference.** | 21/0257 | SAPOL 21/0257 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
07/09/2020 | “…South Australia’s first outdoor music festival the MYPONGA PROGRESSIVE POP FESTIVAL held over the Australia Day long weekend January 30/31 Feb 1, 1971. The South Australian Police Force were very actively engaged during this period on patrolling the activities of festival goers, especially from the Mon 25th January 1971 through to February 2nd 1971. Various branches of the Police department, city and country were employed to look out for the safety of patrons getting there but there was also a big blitz to curb any illegal drug activity. Police were set up at borders and within the city and country environs. r (sic) There were several arrests made for drug possession to the festival and at the festival. I would like the opportunity to peruse those documents.” | 21/0069 | SAPOL 21/0069 (pdf 4.0 MB) |
30/11/2020 | “Please supply SA-BEST with a list of the following crimes committed for the following years with numbers of each : - 2017/18; 2018/19; 2019/20; and 2020/21 (year to date). The crimes are: murder; attempted murder; sexual assault (inc rape); drug trafficking; drug possession; drug driving; drink driving; driving while using a mobile phone; general theft; vehicle theft; break & enter of a residential dwelling; and shoplifting. The information also needs to include the types of offences committed and a breakdown of the ages of the offenders in the following brackets: - 10 to 14 years - 14 to 18 years - 18 to 40 years - 40 to 65 years - Over 65 years” | 21/0680 | SAPOL 21/0680 (pdf 1.1 MB) |
23/11/2020 | “Statistical data relating traffic complaints to Traffic Watch , either by phone or via the SAPOL app, including: number of reports of offences (whether substantiated or not) for each financial year from 2015-16 a breakdown of the penalties (fine, caution, specific court imposed sentence, other, etc) for traffic offences for each financial year from 2015-16 numbers of arrests for traffic offences for each financial year from 2015-16 any data which suggests that there are regular callers/reporters for traffic offences for each financial year from 2015-16” | 21/0668 | SAPOL 21/0668 (pdf 2.5 MB) |
13/11/2020 | Purchase order requests, detailed reciepts (sic) and rembursement (sic) requests from any member of SAPOL regarding the acquisition of all "Gel Blasters" as well as the addresses of retailers who have sold a "Gel Blaster" to SAPOL or a person/member on behalf of SAPOL. | SAPOL 21/0762 | SAPOL 21/0762 (pdf 203 KB) |
12/11/2020 | I refer to an alleged Expiation Notice issued to me - Expiation Notice number V3696595A. I'm seeking more information to ascertain what actual evidence can be provided in this prescribed situation as this was reportedly a temporary speed limit reduction. These are not necessarily documents I am seeking as such but information sourced from digital records for the most part, I expect. I am sorry, I do have a fair few questions. The information in the Expiation Notice was really lacking and I've already received conflicting information in my follow up enquiries which is concerning of course. Q1. What is the precise location of L2 on Princes Highway? Q2. In relation to my alleged offence, what is the exact time that the enforceable reduced speed limit commenced? Q3. What is the reason for the reduced speed limit exactly and the location of the interference? Q4. Where were the enforceable reduced speed signs displayed for this incident? In how many locations and exact location please? Q5. In conjunction with Q4. were there any staggered speed limit reduction signs or only 90kmph then 60kmph? Q6. Were lower speed limits varied at all during the whole of the period that is applicable to this interference? Q7. What type of signs were used to display reduced speed limits? Assuming digital, what evidence can be provided that they were actually working in situ and not faulty in situ? Q8. At exactly time was the speed limit resumed for the normal speed of 90kmph for this area? Q9. What is the total number of vehicles expiated for a speeding offence at L2 during the whole of the period of this enforceable speed limit reduction on this day (between the times drawn from the questions asked above) on the evening of 30/07/2019? Q10. For the equivalent time period on 29/07/2019 and 31/07/2019 how many expiations were issued for speeding offences at L2? Were any reduced speed limits in place at the same location on either of these dates? In the event there was ongoing interruptions during this period then I'm looking for the comparison data for 16/07/2019 and 23/07/2019 at the same location when the normal 90kmph speed limits were in place. I reserve my right for supplementary questions depending on the information provided to the above. | SAPOL 21/0742 | SAPOL 21/0742 (pdf 2.5 MB) |
12/11/2020 | Any and all data, documents and internal correspondence (including, but not limited to, emails, minutes, briefings, letters and notes) regarding: The number of registered firearms that have been stolen, lost or otherwise reported missing in SA between July 2010 and June 2020, broken down into individual years The number of each type or category of firearm that has been reported missing Any other information regarding the nature of the theft or loss of firearms (eg are there particular locations, postcodes, or industries that are more affected) | SAPOL 21/0669 | SAPOL 21/0669 (pdf 2.4 MB) |
11/11/2020 | A breakdown of "other drugs' arrests as recorded in the illicit drug data report 2018-2019. A breakdown of drugs from 2016-2017 & 2018-2019. Reference, page 119 of report: South Australia reported the greatest percentage increase in the number of other and unknown NEC drug arrests in 2018–19. | SAPOL 21/0761 | SAPOL 21/0761 (pdf 458 KB) |
11/11/2020 | SA BEST requests the number of times Gel Blasters have been involved in offences charges and prosecuted? | SAPOL 21/0728 | SAPOL 21/0728 (pdf 420 KB) |
02/11/2020 | Statistical data related to sexual harassment and/or bullying complaints made within SAPOL, including details of substantiated/unsubstantiated claims, and consequences for alleged perpetrators. Date 1/1/19 to 13/8/20 |
SAPOL 21/0318 | SAPOL 21/0318 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
02/11/2020 | Statistical data related to sexual harassment and/or bullying complaints made within SAPOL, including details of substantiated/unsubstantiated claims, and consequences for alleged perpetrators. Date 1/1/17 - 31/12/18 |
SAPOL 21/0316 | SAPOL 21/0316 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
02/11/2020 | Statistical data related to sexual harassment and/or bullying complaints made within SAPOL, including details of substantiated/unsubstantiated claims, and consequences for alleged perpetrators. Date 1/1/16 - 31/12/17 |
SAPOL 21/0307 | SAPOL 21/0307 (2.0 MB) |
30/10/2020 | Statistical data related to sexual harassment and/or bullying complaints made within SAPOL, including details of substantiated/unsubstantiated claims, and consequences for alleged perpetrators. Date 1/1/18 to 31/12/19 |
SAPOL 21/0317 | SAPOL 21/0317 (2 MB) |
12/10/2020 | All documents provided from Chris McGowan/SA Health to the Commissioner/State Coordinator (including but not limited to letters, emails, memos, minutes, advice, messages) on 15 September 2020 (as referred to by the Commissioner in his press conference on 15 September 2020). |
SAPOL 21/0534 | SAPOL 21/0534 (pdf 512 KB) |
12/10/2020 | Details of any ballistics test relating to gel blasters. |
SAPOL 20/2666 | SAPOL 20/2666 (pdf 6.0 MB) |
04/10/2020 | The full ballistics examination report done on Gel Blasters referred by Hon Corey Wingard in a letter dated 11th of June reference number to email is 20POL0526. |
SAPOL 21/0036 | SAPOL 21/0036 (pdf 2.0 Mb) |
23/09/2020 |
“Documents, specifically reports and AV material such as CCTV/video footage and photos, of offences committed relating to COVID-19 since 1 March, 2020 to the date of this application. I’m specifically seeking access to documents containing the following information: - The number and amount in $ of
COVID-19 related fines issued; - A breakdown of the types of offences and where and when they occurred; - Of those, how many were paid and how many are overdue. If a summary document, please limit my application to that and related AV material. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been
publicly released, media reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media. Please note, I do not consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation and I do consent to edited copies of documents with exempt material redacted or blurred/pixilated.”
****Please note several documents are Audio Visual materials, and are too large to be uploaded. |
SAPOL 21/0099 | SAPOL 21/0099 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
21/09/2020 | A table detailing every exemption that has been granted under any of the Directions made since the State Coordinator’s 22 March Declaration of a Major Emergency, in accordance with the Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA) for the period of 28 May 2020 to 19 August 2020. The following details are to be provided, where they exist: - Exemption reference number - Date and time the exemption was granted - Date and times the exemption is active for - The conditions of the exemption - Justification for the exemption - Approving authority of the exemption - Location of the recipient of the exemption - Which Emergency Direction had been exempted - Whether the exemption recipient was a corporation, organisation or a natural person. |
SAPOL 21/0360 | SAPOL 21/0360 (pdf 4.0 MB) |
19/09/2020 | Any documents (including but not limited to text messages, instant message app messages, emails, briefings, minutes, memos, notes, and correspondence) relating to any matter (including but not limited to requests, advocacy, approvals, advice, risks, concerns and follow up) regarding the exemption granted to the woman who travelled from Victoria to Adelaide on 24 May 2020 and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. [Name, address, contact details excluded]. |
SAPOL 20/2226 | SAPOL 20/2226 (pdf 24.0 MB) |
13/09/2020 | I'm seeking documents each year, since 1 Jan, 2019, containing the following information: 1. The number of roadside drug tests last year and this year to date including their location (by Police District/region/LSA). 2. The number of times a positive reading has been returned from a roadside drug tests (sic) including their location (by Police District/region/LSA). 3. A breakdown of the types of drugs in which they tested positive (including location (by Police District/region/LSA). 4. Any issues with the accuracy of the drug tests. 5. Correspondence relating to more drug test capacity. 6. Any related AV material for positive drug tests taken this year. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/statements and any correspondence with media. I consent to edited copies of documents/video with exempt material redacted/pixilated. Please note, I do not consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. |
SAPOL 20/1977 | SAPOL 20/1977 (pdf 846 KB) |
09/09/2020 | Number of reported assaults on public transport workers by trainer driver and security staff by train lines: Adelaide, Gawler, Seaford, Belair and Outer Harbour in South Australia from 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2020 |
SAPOL 21/0484 | SAPOL 21/0484 (pdf 459 KB) |
07/09/2020 | Any South Australia Police (SAPOL) documents that report the suicides of SAPOL staff since 1980. Sworn or unsworn - Serving or past - and, if reported before, during or after an internal misconduct allegation or investigation. |
SAPOL 21/0250 | SAPOL 21/0250 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
07/09/2020 | A statistical table of the number of people who have entered South Australia from Victoria on each individual calendar day from 24 March 2020 to 17 July 2020, and on each individual day how many of that total from Victoria were essential travellers. |
SAPOL 21/0112 | SAPOL 21/0112 (pdf 821 KB) |
01/09/2020 | All cautions informal and formal in relation to e scooters for the period 1 January 2018 to March 2020. Specific information on loss of licences to e scooters. All correspondence from DPTI to SAPOL in relation to e scooters for the same period. All correspondence from Adelaide City Council to SAPOL in relation to e scooters for the same period. All correspondence from SAPOL to the e scooter operators for the same period. All internal directives issued by SAPOL to SAPOL officers in relation to e scooters for the same period. SAPOL policy documents in relation to e scooters for the same period. |
SAPOL 20/1976 | SAPOL 20/1976 (pdf 8.0 MB) |
31/08/2020 | Consultation paper titled ‘Regional Review – Regional Policing Model’ and any related documents, appendices etc. |
SAPOL 21/0053 | SAPOL 21/0053 (pdf 16.0 MB) |
27/08/2020 | I would like the statistics on how many bikes are stolen in Adelaide monthly and how many bikes are stolen during the Fringe Festival. Also how may tradies utes/toolbox’s are broken into to steal their tools. |
SAPOL 21/0251 | SAPOL 21/0251 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
27/08/2020 | Seeking information regarding the training of sworn police officers in South Australia. 1) How many Police have received introductory cybercrime investigations training since 2000 2) How many Police have received advanced cybercrime investigations training since 2000 3) How many Police currently have a full-time role in investigating cybercrime 4) How many sworn Police officers are currently employed by the SA Police. |
SAPOL 21/0175 | SAPOL 21/0175 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
19/08/2020 | We request the available statistics on the number of RBT Alcohol tests recorded in South Australia in 2019 and the number of positive RBT Alcohol tests recorded in 2019. |
SAPOL 21/0110 | SAPOL 21/0110 (pdf 363 KB) |
18/08/2020 | a) Number of reported assaults on prescribed emergency service workers in South Australia from 1 July 2017 – 30 June 2020 b) Above data (a) split by month c) Above data (a) split by month and type of occupation e.g. SA Ambulance Service officer, SAPOL police officer, Metropolitan or Country Fire Service officer, and a person (whether a medical practitioner, nurse, security or otherwise) performing duties in a hospital or in the course of retrieval or attending an out of hours unscheduled call-out d) Above date (a, b and c) split by type of crime e.g. assault, harm and human biological material. |
SAPOL 21/0210 | SAPOL 21/0210 pdf 566 KB) |
18/08/2020 | Copies of any documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters and any other correspondence) that confirm the total number and location of speeding expiation notices issued by SAPOL within the Town of Gawler Council area and also the total expiation revenue raised. |
SAPOL 21/0113 | SAPOL 21/0113 (pdf 3.0 MB) |
09/08/2020 | A table detailing every exemption that has been granted under any of the Directions made since the State Coordinator’s 22 March Declaration of a Major Emergency, in accordance with the Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA). The following details are to be provided, where they exist: - Exemption reference number - Date and time the exemption was granted - Date and times the exemption is active for - The conditions of the exemption - Justification for the exemption - Approving authority of the exemption - Location of the recipient of the exemption - Which Emergency Direction had been exempted - Whether the exemption recipient was a corporation, organisation or a natural person. |
SAPOL 20/2110 | SAPOL 20/2110 (pdf 4.0 MB) |
03/08/2020 | Request the available statistics on the number of RBT Drug tests recorded in South Australia from 2017 – 2019 and the number of positive RBT Drug tests recorded from 2017 – 2019. |
SAPOL 21/0111 | SAPOL 21/0111 (pdf 370 KB) |
28/07/2020 | Seeking access to documents, specifically de-identified compensation claims by police officers since 1 May, 2019 to the date of this application. As per previous years, I am happy to be provided the information in a report format, with the following parameters:- Injury date – Accepted/Denied claim status – Physical/psychological injury type – injury mechanism description – Claim cost. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and correspondence with media. |
SAPOL 20/2015 | SAPOL 20/2015 (pdf 759 KB) |
27/07/2020 | Request documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) relating to police officers who have committed or are being investigated for committing domestic or family violence-related offences. I am requesting the following information: 1. Documents containing information, including statistics, relevant to police officers who have committed domestic or family violence-related offences. In the first instance, if the agency holds a document detailing this information that is produced on a regular basis – for example, quarterly, half-yearly or annually – I am requesting access to that document as it has been produced each year for the past five years (since 2015 inclusive). I am happy to accept information pertaining to calendar years or financial years, depending on how data are recorded. 2. If such a document does not exist, I am requesting documents produced between 2015 and 2019 inclusive containing information about: a. the number of police officers who have been charged with domestic and family violence-related offences b. details of any internal actions taken against officers charged with domestic and family violence-related offences, including i. any disciplinary action ii. relocation of officers to different stations or roles. Included in the scope of my request, if the information is readily available, is information about the gender and rank of officers charged with domestic and family violence-related offences. 3. Briefings or reports provided to senior management during 2019 that includes information about police officers perpetrating or committing domestic and family violence related offences. |
SAPOL 20/1471 | SAPOL 20/1471 (pdf 3.0 MB) |
22/7/2020 | Seeking documents, specifically reports, audits, reviews, AV material relating to arrests and charges laid by Anti-Gang Squad since 1 January, 2018 to the date of this application. In relation to event reports, please limit to the first 10 where charges were laid with searches being undertaken chronologically and the related AV material. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/article/statements and any correspondence with media. I consent to edited copies of documents/video with exempt material redacted/pixilated. Please note, I do not consent to documents or information in documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. |
SAPOL 20/1801 | SAPOL 20/1801 (pdf 5.0 MB) If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
15/7/2020 | I would like data on the number of fines issued for driving an unregistered vehicle during the years 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013. |
SAPOL 20/2414 | SAPOL 20/2414 (pdf 2.0 MB) |
7/7/2020 | On what date last year did expiation notices for SE Freeway bus and truck offences change to include in the notice that the offence carried the penalty of possible demerit points and licence disqualification? What lead to the change in the Notices? |
SAPOL 20/2410 | SAPOL 20/2410 (pdf 3.0 MB) |
Date of Determination | Agency Reference | Application Summary | Determination and/or documents |
11/6/2020 |
SAPOL 20/1382 | Documents since 1 January 2018, specifically reports and related AV material (including bodyworn camera and cameras, mobile phone camera, pol air and police vehicle cameras, other video footage captured) relating to people being charged for serious assault police on-duty police officers including those in Protective Services. In relation to video footage, please limit to just those incidents which occurred in either the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western LSAs. If video footage of more than 10 incidents are captured, please limit footage to just those 10 incidents where video footage is located along with the related incident reports. Please do searches for footage chronologically starting with those in 2018. If different types of footage is captured, please include all footage. Please exclude those where legal action is pending. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been released publicly, media reports/articles/statements and correspondence with media. Please note I confirm I am happy to accept edited copies of documents/footage/photos with exempt material redacted/pixilated/cropped. | SAPOL 20/1382 (pdf 16mb) If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
08/06/2020 |
SAPOL 20/1567 | All correspondence, including but not limited to emails, letters, direct messages and notes of meetings regarding the user-pays system for policing resources. | SAPOL 20/1567 (pdf 3Mb) |
18/05/2020 | SAPOL 20/1532 | All reports, all quantitative and qualitative data, and any written and/or electronic correspondence between any officer of SA Police and the office of the Minister for Police, regarding, or resulting from, the trial of ballistic (or stab-proof) vests. | SAPOL 20/1532 (pdf 5Mb) |
01/04/2020 | SAPOL 20/1767 | Supply: 1. The number of infringement notices given to e-scooter rides in the Adelaide CBD from January 2019 to February 2020 2. A list of offences committed on e-scooters in the Adelaide CBD from January 2019 to February 2020 3. A breakdown of the e-scooter providers whose riders were given infringement notices. | SAPOL 20/1767 (pdf 2Mb) |
26/03/2020 | SAPOL 20/1451 | A monthly breakdown of data/statistics related to knives or any bladed implement detected/present during searches of premises, individuals and vehicles or resulting from criminal investigations. | SAPOL 20/1451 (pdf 2Mb) |
12/03/2020 |
SAPOL 20/1566 | A copy of the current and previous community crime prevention programs manual. | SAPOL 20/1566 (pdf 95kb) |
12/03/2020 | SAPOL 20/1370 | I am seeking access to documents, specifically reports, executive briefings and attachments, executive meeting minutes, internal correspondence such as emails relating to drone use, procurement of drones and their related cost, since 1 January, 2018 to the date of this application. Please include documents relating to the handling of my previous application for this same material (SAPOL Ref 20-1017). Please exclude duplicates, documents that have been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and correspondence with media. Please note I confirm I am happy to accept edited copies of documents with exempt material redacted. However, I do not consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. | SAPOL 20/1370 (pdf 1mb) If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
17/02/2020 | SAPOL 20/1424 | The number of firearms registered to private individuals in South Australia in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019. The number of private individuals licensed to possess firearms in South Australia in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019. | SAPOL 20/1424 (pdf 85kb) |
28/01/2020 | SAPOL 20/0783 | Documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, reports, correspondence, including emails (please limit searches for emails to only the Commissioner), since 1 July, 2019, in relation to gender equity regarding police officers and recruits. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and any correspondence with media. Please note, I do not consent to information in documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. In relation to emails, please limit to the final thread of conversation. | SAPOL 20/0783 (pdf 4mb) |
06/01/2020 |
SAPOL 20/1086 | The following documents in full: General Order, Significant Incident Investigation and Comissioner's enquiries. Please withdraw searches relating to personal and business affairs. | SAPOL 20/1086 (pdf 776kb) |
06/01/2020 |
SAPOL 20/1084 | The following documents in full: General Order, Custody Management & General Order - Arrest/Report documentation. Please withdraw any searches relating to personal & business affairs. | SAPOL 20/1084 (pdf 5mb) |
03/01/2020 |
SAPOL 20/1085 | The following documents in full: General Order, Deaths in Custody & General Order, Offender Record Management System. Please withdraw any search relating to personal & business affairs. | SAPOL 20/1085 (pdf 3mb) |
31/12/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0917 | 1) Crime stats (Apr 2018- Oct 2018) please provide an itemised list of crimes spanning 30 April to 31 October 2018 inclusive being the same set of data as presented by SAPOL (via Assistant Commissioner Paul Dixon and superintendent Craig Wall) at their recent Inquiry into Poverty session (September 2019) Paul Dixon stated a volume of 89 crimes during this period…2) Crime stats (Nov 2018- Apr 2019) please provide an itemised list of crimes spanning 01 November 2018 to 30 April 2019 inclusive being the same set of data as presented by SAPOL (via Assistant Commissioner Paul Dixon and superintendent Craig Wall) at their recent Inquiry into Poverty session (September 2019) Paul Dixon stated a volume of 78 crimes during this period…For both periods please provide the following details on a per crime basis: SAPOL reference number Crime type (eg Code 501 – Assault) Severity Location (street address) Crime Date Crime Time.3) SACAD Taskings (Sept 2019 – now) Please provide and itemised list of all SACAD …messages from 01 September 2019 to today inclusive for these street names in the Adelaide CBD Hutt Street South Terrace (east of Pulteney Street) For both periods please provide the following details on a per incident basis: Agency Event Number Event Type Priority Location Create date Create time. | SAPOL 20/0917 (pdf 2mb) |
24/12/2019 |
SAPOL 20/1055 | I wish to access data collected by SAPOL's Guardianship Children Portfolio - in the Public Protection Branch relating to children and teenagers in Whyalla who under the Guardian of the Minister and who have been reported missing or absent from state-run facilities for all of 2018 and 2019. | SAPOL 20/1055 (pdf 189kb) |
23/12/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0929 | Documents produced in the last 2 years months detailing incidents when underage children (legally defined as non-adults) have been detained in police custody (including watch houses) when such detention or its duration was in breach or against guidelines and/or protocols and/or policies. I am interested in the details of such incidents. | SAPOL 20/0929 (pdf 188kb) |
19/12/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0583 | Any emails and/or written or verbal briefings, letters or minutes regarding Neighbourhood Watch and the use of branding on social media platforms. | SAPOL 20/0583 (pdf 908kb) |
12/12/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0677 | Any and all documents and internal correspondence (including, but not limited to, emails, minutes, briefings, letters and notes) regarding any State Government funding allocated to South Australia Police, to specifically target the manufacture and/or importation and/or supply of crystal methamphetamine (ice). Specifically: * The total amount of State Government funding allocated to SAPOL to target crystal methamphetamine (ice) in 2018/19; * Monies expended by SAPOL on programs specific to crystal methamphetamine (ice) in 2018/19, and the details of that expenditure; * Monies projected to be expended by SAPOL in 2019/20 and 2020/21, on programs specific to crystal methamphetamine (ice), and the details of that expenditure; and * Programs and/or any activity developed in response to the funding allocated and any relevant commencement dates, aims, objectives, relevant timeframes and forward planning, and details of allocation of resources within these programs. | SAPOL 20/0677 (pdf 4mb) |
02/12/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0773 | Copy of body worn footage taken by three Police Officers during an aggravated assault (on them) at Adelaide Oval. The assault occurred on June 8 2019, following the AFL match being played at the oval. The vision has been played in court, the woman convicted, (name withheld) has been given a good behaviour bond and I understand the appeals process has finalised. I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names and faces redacted/pixilated/blurred. | SAPOL 20/0773 (pdf 131kb) If you would like to obtain a copy of the photographs contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
25/11/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0772 | Disaggregated data (categorised into Indigenous and non-Indigenous persons) for persons taken into police custody in South Australia in the last 5 years pursuant to the protective custody regime contained in Part 2 of the Public Intoxication Act 1985 (SA). | SAPOL 20/0772 (pdf 211kb) |
19/11/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0671 | Documents from July 1, 2018 (the past financial year 2018/19) showing the top 10 mobile speed camera locations by infringements issued each year including the following: 1. The location; 2. The number of infringements issued; 3. The speeding category (eg. 10km or more over the limit; 20km or more over the limit, etc...) Please include footage of the top 10 fastest people speeding caught on camera. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/statements/articles and correspondence with media. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/statements and correspondence with media. Please note, I consent to being provided edited copies of documents /footage/photos with exempt material (such as personal details) redacted/pixilated. | SAPOL 20/0671 (pdf 536kb) If you would like to obtain a copy of the photographs contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
15/11/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0538 | Documents, specifically reports, and related AV material including CCTV/body worn camera/video footage/photos since 1 January, 2018, to the date of this application relating to reports where the charge was at least “produce dangerous drug” ie. There could be more charges, but there is at least one charge for produce dangerous drug. Please limit to those where the drug being produced is methamphetamine/ice. In relation to reports, please limit to the Central, North West, South West Metropolitan regions. Please limit related footage and photos to only those reports which refer to a police raid. If more than 10 fit this requirement, please limit to the first 10 (starting oldest to newest) where footage/photos are located and there is no pending legal action. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media report/articles/releases and correspondence with media. If documents with duplicate information are captured, please limit to just one version of those documents.” I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names and faces redacted/pixilated/blurred. | SAPOL 20/0538 (pdf 307kb) If you would like to obtain a copy of the photographs contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference |
31/10/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0746 | A daily breakdown of crime, traffic & ancillary reports recorded at Glenelg Police Station between 8am and 9am and 5pm and 9pm Monday to Friday. A daily breakdown of Crime, Traffic & Ancillary Reports recorded at Glenelg Police Station on Saturdays and Sundays between 9am & 9pm. | SAPOL 20/0746 (pdf 134kb) |
31/10/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0745 | A daily breakdown of crime, traffic & ancillary reports recorded at Henley Beach Police Station between 8am and 9am and 5pm and 9pm Monday to Friday. A daily breakdown of Crime, Traffic & Ancillary Reports recorded at Henley Beach Police Station on Saturdays and Sundays between 9am & 9pm. | SAPOL 20/0745 (pdf 137kb) |
31/10/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0733 | Any and all documents detailing any internal policy, order or directive regarding the use, by SAPOL officers, of spit masks, spit hoods or any covering or material (however described) that is intended to prevent the person from spitting on, or biting, another person. | SAPOL 20/0733 (pdf 235kb) |
31/10/2019 |
SAPOL 20-0679 | A daily breakdown of Crime, Traffic & Ancillary Reports recorded at Norwood Police Station between 8am and 9am and 5pm and 9pm Monday to Friday A daily breakdown of Crime, Traffic & Ancillary Reports recorded at Norwood Police Station on Saturdays and Sundays between 9am and 9pm. | SAPOL 20/0679 (pdf 133kb) |
31/10/2019 |
SAPOL 20-0539 | I'm seeking documents each year, since 1 January 2018, relating to drug driving tests including: 1. The number of roadside drug tests last year and this year to date including their location 2. The number of times a positive reading has been returned from a roadside drug tests and breakdown of the types of drugs detected for the same time periods. 3. The number and value of fines issued for point 2. 4. Any issues with the accuracy of the drug tests. 5. Correspondence relating to more drug test capacity 5. The top 5 highest fine recipients in 2019 including their age, gender, postcode. I consent to edited copies of documents/video with exempt material redacted/pixilated. If some of the information can be provided outside of the GIPA Act, please advise. | SAPOL 20/0539 (pdf 315kb) |
21/10/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0525 | Request any documents, advice or communication SAPOL have received in regards to proposed or tabled legislation that pertains to prostitution from the 1st of January 2018 through to the present date. | SAPOL Ref 20/0525 (pdf 521kb) If you would like to obtain a copy of the documents please contact SAPOL FOI Unit and quote the Agency Reference. |
14/10/2019 | SAPOL 19/1946 | Copies of any and all documents and correspondence (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written letters and briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, meeting notes and any other correspondence) from 19 March 2019 regarding savings targets and initiatives being considered and or implemented by SAPOL. | SAPOL Ref 19/1946 (pdf 1mb) |
11/10/2019 | SAPOL 20/0491 | The number of police raids/warrants for premises suspected as linked to prostitution and prostitution offences for 16/17, 17/18 and 18/19. | SAPOL Ref 20/0491 (pdf 425kb) |
10/10/2019 |
SAPOL 20/0472 | A copy of the current Cadet Course Curriculum and course structure at the SA Police Academy. | SAPOL Ref 20/0472 (pdf 2mb) |
01/10/2019 | SAPOL 20/0504 |
Prostitution charges laid by police broken down by charge by financial year 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 a. Keeping a brothel b. Receiving money in paid brothel c. Being on a premises frequented by prostitutes d. Money laundering e. Unknown f. Total | SAPOL Ref 20/0504 (pdf 691kb) |
26/09/2019 | SAPOL 19/0011 | Seeking access to documents since 1 January, 2017, specifically report & related CCTV/body-worn camera/video footage relating to assaults at Adelaide train Stations. Please limit searches to the Southern, Northern, Eastern & Western districts. Specifically seeking the following information: The number & breakdown of assaults at train stations in these districts last financial year and this financial year to date; - The top 10 stations where assault occurred in these districts. ie the 10 stations where the assaults occurred the most – incident reports of assaults at Adelaide Railway Station which also have footage of the assaults. | SAPOL Ref 19/0011 (pdf 232kb) |
24/09/2019 | SAPOL 20/0345 | A copy of de-identified documents relating to protesters outside the Pregnancy Advisory Clinic. Specifically, I would like to request copies and/or records of complaints received by SA Police regarding the presence and/or behaviour of protesters outside the PAC within the last 5 years (with the search end date as the 30th of June 2019). | SAPOL Ref 20/0345 (pdf 325kb) |
06/09/2019 | SAPOL 20/0409 | Risk assessment matrix used to determine whether blood testing of an accused is required following a prescribed offence where it is likely that a police or emergency services worker or healthcare provider has been exposed to the accused’s biological material (section 20B of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Act 2007). | SAPOL Ref 20/0409 (pdf 5mb) |
05/09/2019 |
SAPOL 19/2060 | “General Order - Custody Management, General Order - Arrest/Report Procedures, General Order - Deaths in Custody and General Order - Youth Justice specifically, with respect to SAPOL notifying ALRM of persons arrested and/or in custody. All other text to be excluded from the scope.” | SAPOL Ref 19/2060 (pdf 887kb) SAPOL Ref 19/2060 Att (pdf 5.6mb) |
17/07/2019 | SAPOL 19/1822 |
Documents, specifically reports, ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, internal correspondence relating to: 1. budget cuts; 2. changes to procedure due to less money being available to specific units/departments. Timeframe: Since 1 January 2019.
Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media report/articles/releases and correspondence with media. If documents with duplicate information are captured, please limit to just one version of those documents. I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names and faces redacted/pixilated/blurred. | SAPOL Ref 19/1822 (pdf 602kb) SAPOL Ref 19/1822 Redacted (pdf 1mb) |
Date of Determination | Agency Reference | Application Summary | Determination and/or documents released |
13/06/2019 | SAPOL 19/1497 | Seeking, statistical information on instances when SA Police Officers have used force. In particular, seeking instances when the USE OF FORCE has been recorded on the SAPOL's internal electronic database for a period of five years from 20/03/2014 to 23/03/2019. | SAPOL Ref 19/1497 (pdf 249kb) SAPOL Ref 19/1497 Att A (pdf 197kb) |
04/06/2019 | SAPOL 19/1897 |
Each data request is for respective data on each year, for the years 2008 - 2018 in South Australia.
*Recorded status/outcomes means: insufficient evidence/unfounded, arrest, summons, other outcome with court appearance, intent to summons, caution/warning, complaint withdrawn by victim, complaint withdrawn by police, no offence disclosed, unsolved, conviction, charges/no charges laid, rejected or equivalent clearly defined categories. * We don't require any data that is identifying. We believe this information is in public interest. 1. The recorded police status/outcome* of each of all types of reported sexual assaults committed against persons 16 years and over. Also can you please outline the other categories (besides insufficient evidence and unfounded) that are used to record the reasons sexual assault reports do not progress past reporting phase and to charges from 2008 - 2018 for victims aged 16 and over. 2. The recorded police status/outcome* of each of all types of reported indecent assaults committed against persons 16 years and over. 3. The recorded police status/outcome* of each of all types of reported other sexual offences committed against persons 16 years and over. 4. The recorded police status/outcome* of common assault cases committed against persons 16 years and over. 5. The recorded police status/outcome* of serious assault cases committed against persons 16 years and over. 6. The recorded location (Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern regions) of reports of rape, and their outcomes/status* committed against persons 16 years and over. 7. The recorded location (Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern regions) of reports of indecent assault, and their status/outcome* committed against persons 16 years and over. 8. The recorded location (Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern regions) of reports of other sexual offences assault, and their outcomes/status* committed against persons 16 years and over. | SAPOL Ref 19/1897 (pdf 2mb) |
30/05/2019 | SAPOL 19/1101 | I’m aware that the use of every taser is subject to a formal review as per this article and as such, I expect searches to be undertaken of the unit/branch/office which undertakes to the formal reviews, I’m seeking documents since 1 January, 2017, with the following information: 1. The number of SA police incidents/events tasers were used in for 2017 and 2018 mutually exclusively; 2. A breakdown of whether they were involved in a. draw and cover, b. discharging barbs (firing a taser), c. used in drive stun mode, d. accidentally discharged. 3. Of those in point two, I’m seeking the related reports and AV material (include taser camera footage, helmet camera footage and other examples described here in relation to points b (firing of a taser) and c (drive stun). If there are more than 20 incidents whereby tasers were fired, please limit to the first 20 incident/event reports where this has occurred Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media report/articles/releases and correspondence with media. If documents with duplicate information are captured, please limit to just one version of those documents. I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names and faces redacted/pixilated/blurred. | SAPOL Ref 19/1101 (pdf 1mb) If you would like |
27/02/2019 | SAPOL 19/1057 | Seeking documents containing the following: "The number and value of speeding fines issued by fixed digital speed cameras and by Police, according to the offender's postcode, the the calendar year 2018. Please provide a list of the top 10 highest speeds recorded on speed cameras for calendar year 2018, along with the post, age, gender of offender and how far over the limit they were going." If figures aren't completed for the calendar year of 2018, please substitute 2018 for the past financial year (2017/18). Please include related AV material, eg. CCTV/audio/video footage/photos in relation to the top 10. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been put publicly released include media reports/statements/articles and correspondence with media. | SAPOL Ref 19/1057 (pdf 995kb) |
11/01/2019 | SAPOL 19/0982 | Documents since 1 January, 2017, specifically reports, statistics, audits, executive meeting minutes, CCTV/body worn camera/dash cam/video footage and photos and internal correspondence relating to stolen firearms, along with CCTV/body worn camera/dash cam/video footage and photos. Specifically seeking documents with the following information: Total number of licensed firearms reported stolen to police this year and last year (mutually exclusive please)? What are the dates and locations (limit to City, or if it's not a city, region) this year. Were the licensed firearms reportedly stolen from residential or commercial premises? How many media releases were put out concerning reported stolen licensed firearms? Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been put publicly released include media reports/statements/articles and correspondence with media. | SAPOL Ref 19/0892 (pdf 2mb) |
11/01/2019 | SAPOL 19/0821 | Requesting (on behalf of my organisation RM Consulting Group) the total number of firearm licence holders for the genuine reasons of: 1. Shooting Club; 2. Target Shooting; 3. Hunting. Please provide data for each genuine reason. We are (sic) only require the total number for each category. No personal information is necessary. RMCG have been engaged by the Federal Department of Health to undertake a study on the economic and social benefits of recreational hunting and shooting. This data will provide us with the total population of recreational hunters/ shooters for South Australia and will be used in our economic analysis to scale up our survey results. | SAPOL Ref 19/0821 (pdf 1mb) |
13/12/2018 | SAPOL 19/0815 | Documents, specifically body-worn camera footage/taser cam/dash cam/CCTV/video footage and related reports since 1 January, 2017, to the date of this application relating to reports where the charge was at least weapons trafficking ie. There could be more charges, but there is at least one charge for weapons trafficking. If more than 10 where this is the case, please limit to the first 10 (starting oldest to newest) where footage/photos are located and there is no pending legal action. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media report/articles/releases and correspondence with media. If documents with duplicate information are captured, please limit to just one version of those documents.” I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names and faces redacted/pixilated/blurred. | SAPOL Ref 19/0815 (pdf 535kb) |
13/12/2018 | SAPOL 19/0767 | Documents including related photos/CCTV/video footage from January 1, 2017, relating to police call-outs relating to offences against the person to South Australian Schools. Please limit reports to just those in the greater Adelaide area (the metropolitan LACs). If more than 10 incidents with video footage are captured, please limit to the first 10 where the footage is located and there’s legal action pending. I confirm I consent to being provided edited copies of documents/footage with personal information such as names and faces redacted/pixilated/blurred. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media. | SAPOL Ref 19/0767 (pdf 1mb) |
05/12/2018 | SAPOL 19/0757 | For the following years 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 & 2017/18 & between 1/7/2018 - 31/10/2018 the number of vehicles clamped, impounded or forfeited under the Criminal law (Clamping & Impounding Forfeiture of Vehicles Act) 2007. The number of offences and the types of offences committed for vehicles clamped, impounded or forfeited under the Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding & Forfeited of Vehicles) Act 2007. | SAPOL Ref 19/0757 (pdf 365kb) |
04/12/2018 | SAPOL 19/0590 | Seeking access to documents, photos and video footage, produced since 1 January, 2017 to the date of this application relating to: a) Traffic infringements, including speeding, drink driving, parking fines and accidents involving police vehicles, including marked and unmarked. b) In relation to accidents, please limit to only those where the driver of the police vehicle was at fault, or it isn’t mentioned/determined who was at fault. Without limiting my application, I would expect it to include date of the offence, details of the offence, the penalty incurred, when and where it occurred. However, if there is a spreadsheet with this information, I’m happy to limit to just that spreadsheet in relation to all but the vehicle accidents of which I would also expect the inclusion of along with any related photos/CCTV/video footage. Please exclude third party personal details such as names and addresses. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/article/statements and any correspondence with media. I consent to edited copies of documents/video with exempt material redacted/pixilated. Please note, I do not consent to documents being deemed irrelevant without consultation. | SAPOL Ref 19/0590 (pdf 1mb) |
07/11/2018 | SAPOL 19/0516 | Access to data relating to the overall number of reported bullying & harassment cases within SA Police over the past 10 years and number of days lost through victims of bullying and harassment being absent from work. | SAPOL Ref 19/0516 (pdf 333kb) |
07/11/2018 | SAPOL 19/0388 | Access to documents, such as reports, audits, and executive briefing notes and attachments, photos and CCTV/video footage since 1 January 2017 relating to lost or stolen police equipment, including weapons, ammunition, identification (such as badges), capsicum spray, clothing (ie. Bulletproof vests, equipment belts), handcuffs, and batons. I would expect documents, or a summary report, to include details of the missing item, when and how it went missing – including whether it was lost or stolen – and whether the equipment was subsequently retrieved. Please also include documents detailing the cost of replacing the missing equipment. I undertook a similar application in 2014 and at the beginning of 2017 – I’m seeking the same sort of documentation with related photos/footage except for the new timeframe. | SAPOL Ref 19/0388 (pdf 414kb) |
02/11/2018 | SAPOL 19/0275 | Seeking documents each year, since 1 January 2017, specifically incident/event reports & related CCTV/dash cam/body worn camera/mobile phone camera/video footage where the charges include (at least) dangerous driving & possessing dangerous goods in a vehicle. | SAPOL Ref 19/0275 (pdf 3mb) If you would like |
31/10/2018 | SAPOL 19/0607 | All Work Health Safety and Injury Management Reports since 1 July, 2018 to the date of this application. | SAPOL Ref 19/0607 (pdf 3mb) |
17/10/2018 | SAPOL 19/0270 | Requesting the number of guns seized (and or other weapons) by police from homes over the past 3 years. To include a break down at which suburb and include possible pictures of the weapons as examples. | SAPOL Ref 19/0270 (pdf1mb) Addendum (308kb) |
16/10/2018 | SAPOL 19/0575 | Since March 2018 copies of any & all documents including but not limited to physical and/or electronic material regarding the status of volunteer organization authorization number checks performed by SAPOL. | SAPOL Ref 19/0575 (pdf 244kb) |
08/10/2018 | SAPOL 19/0314 | Documents, specifically reports, briefings and attachments and photos and CCTV/video, relating to charges laid or warnings/cautions as a result of weapons that occurred at SA educational facilities since 1 January, 2017. If the statistical information is available, please limit to just the statistical information and incident/event reports from just primary schools or childcare facilities in the Eastern, Northern, Western, Southern districts. If there are more than 50, please limit to the first 50 located. If weapons have to be named, please limit searches to firearm/gun, knife/knives, nun-chucks, weapons, sword, knuckledusters, tasers, machetes, bayonets. | SAPOL Ref 19/0314 (pdf 970kb) |
08/10/2018 | SAPOL 19/0313 | Documents, specifically reports and photos and CCTV/video, relating to charges laid or warnings/cautions as a result of illicit drugs that occurred at SA educational facilities since 1 January, 2017. If the statistical information is available, please limit to just the statistical information and incident/event reports from just primary schools or childcare facilities in the Eastern, Northern, Western, Southern districts. If there are more than 50, please limit to the first 50 located where one or more of the following drugs were referred to: cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, ICE, ecstasy, amphetamines, speed. | SAPOL Ref 19/0313 (pdf 1mb) |
4/10/2018 | SAPOL 19/0276 | Documents showing how many officers have asked for mental health help through SAPOL Employee Assistance Program & how many are currently off work on "stress" or mental health leave. Limit to last financial year (2017/18) and the previous financial year (2016/17). provide also briefings and attachments and reports relating to police suffering PTSD. | SAPOL Ref 19/0276 (pdf 542kb) |
26/09/2018 | SAPOL 19/0011 | Seeking access to documents since 1 January, 2017, specifically report & related CCTV/body-worn camera/video footage relating to assaults at Adelaide train Stations. Please limit searches to the Southern, Northern, Eastern & Western districts. Specifically seeking the following information: The number & breakdown of assaults at train stations in these districts last financial year and this financial year to date; - The top 10 stations where assault occurred in these districts. ie the 10 stations where the assaults occurred the most – incident reports of assaults at Adelaide Railway Station which also have footage of the assaults. | SAPOL Ref 19/0011 (pdf 1mb) |
19/09/2018 | SAPOL 19/0294 | The number and detail of security incidents for the last five years at State Government-related buildings, including the State Administration Centre, Parliament House, the Education Department and any others that come under the banner of protective security. All documents which detail the security incidents, including any incident reports. And any documents which detail any charges brought, or prosecutions, relating to the security incidents. | SAPOL Ref 19/0294 (pdf 1mb) |
13/09/2018 | SAPOL 19/0273 | Break down of the number of South Australia Police who have sought help from the employee Assistance program over the past 5 years. Also include from which branch they were working in at the time. | SAPOL Ref 19/0273 (pdf 271kb) |
13/09/2018 | SAPOL 19/0272 | Number of drivers who have tested positive to road side drug tests in South Australia over the past five years. Can the number subsequently returned from the lab with a negative result please be included. | SAPOL Ref 19/0272 (pdf 270kb) |
07/09/2018 | SAPOL 18/1971 |
Seeking documents each year, since 1 January 2017, relating to drug driving tests including: 1. The number of roadside drug tests last financial year and this financial year to date including their location. 2. The number of times a positive reading has been returned from a roadside drug tests and breakdown of the types of drugs detected for the same time periods. 3. The number and value of fines issued for point 2. 4. Any issues with the accuracy of the drug tests. 5. Correspondence relating to more drug test capacity. 6. The top 5 highest fine recipients including their age, gender, postcode. I consent to edited copies of documents/video with exempt material redacted/pixilated. | SAPOL Ref 18/1971 (pdf 7mb) |
31/08/2018 | SAPOL 18/1553 |
1. All internal correspondence between SA Police's Far North LSA executive staff, and D/Comm regarding police resourcing issues in the APY lands, sent/received between March 2016 and the date this request is processed. 2. All internal correspondence between SA Police's Far North LSA exec staff and D/Comm regarding internal reporting and recording of domestic violence incidents in the APY lands, sent/received between March 2016 and the date this request is processed. 3. Any internal reviews commissioned following the death of outback nurse Gayle Woodford In March 2016. | SAPOL Ref 18/1553 (pdf 1mb) |
24/08/2018 | SAPOL 19/0135 | Documents, specifically reports, ministerial/executive briefings and attachments, audits, weapons licensing unit meeting minutes, relating to permits for weapons being granted to applicants in the past two financial years. Specifically looking for the number of successful applicants each year, a breakdown of age, gender, location (by LACs(sic)) and types of weapons. | SAPOL Ref 19/0135 (pdf 6mb) |
20/08/2018 | SAPOL 19/0027 |
Documents since 1 January 2017, specifically executive/ministerial briefing notes and attachments, executive meeting minutes, memos, photos, reports, audits, and internal correspondence including emails (please limit searches for internal correspondence to the Office of the Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner/Assistant
Commissioner and the Local Service Commanders/Officers-in-charge) relating to the disposal of unclaimed property. Please limit to Eastern Adelaide, Elizabeth, Holden Hill, South Coast, Sturt, Western Adelaide Local Service Areas. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media. Please note I confirm I am happy to accept edited copies of documents/footage/photos with exempt material redacted/pixilated/cropped. | SAPOL Ref 19/0027 (pdf 6mb) |
07/08/2018 | SAPOL 18/1936 |
Documents since 1 January 2017, specifically executive/ministerial briefing notes and attachments, reports, audits, executive meeting minutes, internal correspondence including emails (please limit searches for the internal correspondence to the Office of the Commissioner) relating to: 1. Fake/falsified random breath tests; 2. Quotas or numbers of positive drug tests required in a year. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media. Please note I confirm I am happy to accept edited copies of documents/footage/photos with exempt material redacted/pixilated/cropped. | SAPOL Ref 18/1936 (pdf 667kb) |
26/07/2018 | SAPOL 18/2002 | Between 17 March 2018 and 15 June 2018 diary entries that show a list of all SAPOL invitees requested for meetings between the Commissioner of Police and Minister for Police, regardless of who called the meeting. | SAPOL Ref 18/2002 (pdf 550kb) |
24/07/2018 | SAPOL 19/0060 | Seek access to the FOI file number, name of applicant and original application scope in relation to the following members of parliament between 17 March 2014 and 16 March 2018 - Stephen Marshall, Vicki Chapman, Rob Lucas, John Gardner, Stephan Knoll, Corey Wingard, Michelle Lensink, Dan van Holst Pellekaan, David Pisoni, David Ridgeway, Rachel Sanderson, David Speirs, Stephen Wade, Tim Whetstone, Robert Brokenshire - exclude FOI requests that were made on behalf of a constituent. | SAPOL Ref 19/0060 (pdf 2mb) |
10/07/2018 | SAPOL 18/1660 | Documents since January 2017, specifically incident/event reports CCTV/body-worn camera/dashcam/video footage of police/Government property that has been or in process of being vandalised or stolen. Also include ministerial/executive briefings, report relating to annual cost of repairs to police/Government property has been vandalised or stolen. | SAPOL Ref 18/1660 (pdf 7mb) |
09/07/2018 | SAPOL 18/2045 |
Seeking for documents containing the following information: 1. A breakdown of the top 10 fixed speed camera earners (ie. the location of the speed cameras which caught the most motorists speeding) in 2017, and so far in 2018. 2. A breakdown of the top 10 locations of mobile speed cameras which caught the most motorists speeding in 2017, and so far in 2018. 3. The location of the speed cameras which were referred to in part 2 of a previous FOI application, file number 18-1790. | SAPOL Ref 18/2045 (pdf 389kb) |
Date of Determination | Agency Reference | Application Summary | Determination and/or documents released |
18/06/2018 | SAPOL 18/1790 | Documents showing the number and value of speeding fines issued by fixed digital speed cameras in SA, for the calendar year 2017 & 2018 so far. A list of the top 10 highest speeds recorded on speed cameras for calendar year 2017, along with the postcode of offender, age, gender and how far over the limit they were going. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/articles/statements and correspondence with media. | SAPOL Ref 18/1790 (pdf 304kb) |
18/06/2018 | SAPOL 18/1773 | Break down of drug related offences reported to police on school grounds for past 3 years &/or number of weapon related incidents on school grounds & break down over past 3 years. Can a breakdown of the type of type of weapon be included. | SAPOL Ref 18/1773 (pdf 299kb) |
05/06/2018 | SAPOL 18/1931 | Documents specifically executive briefings & attachments re; body worn/Taser CCTV/video footage since 1 January 2017 relating to illicit drug laboratory raids where footage has been captured & there is no legal action. Please include statistics of the number of drug laboratory raids and related districts for 2016 and 2017. | SAPOL Ref 18/1931 (pdf 432kb) If you would like |
05/06/2018 | SAPOL 18/1810 | Requesting information and details on the results of drug testing of police officers from January 01 2017 to January 01 2018 and the total number of random drug tests carried out on police during this period. Information to include, but not limited to, what drugs officers tested positive to, how many tested positive more than once and what action was taken against the officers, including suspension or dismissal. | SAPOL Ref 18/1810 (pdf 883kb) |
10/05/2018 | SAPOL 18/1497 |
Seeking access to statistics about rapes/sexual assaults reported to SA Police. Specifically, I am seeking information for the period between 1998 and 2017 (inclusive) on:
| SAPOL Ref 18/1497 (pdf 5mb) |
26/04/2018 | SAPOL 18/1591 | A document that would identify who the Manager, Expiation Notice Branch was on 12 January 2018. | SAPOL Ref 18/1591 (pdf 969kb) |
24/04/2018 | SAPOL 18/1436 |
Documents showing the following:
| SAPOL Ref 18/1436 (pdf 293kb) |
07/03/2018 | SAPOL 18/1344 | How much money has been made by the Government from speeding fines exceeding 110 KM per hour on the Stuart Highway between Port Augusta and the Northern Territory border In 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. | SAPOL Ref 18/1344 (pdf 696kb) |
26/02/2018 | SAPOL 18/0868 | Worksafe Victoria is conducting an investigation into how police firearms in Victoria are managed and controlled. As part of that investigation we are collating information from the other jurisdictions to draw comparison. Copies of policies / procedures / guidelines / general orders or other documentation with respect to the following matters concerning police issue firearms: Suspension from access to firearms Systems of work that relates to firearm restriction including but not limited to: access to stations where firearms are stored; mandatory notifications to Police Psychologist; time frames around notifications concerning members who threaten self-harm or harm to others; how information regarding restriction to firearms is disseminated to police; training of personnel regarding those managing access to firearms or restriction; how access to firearms is managed – is it at an individual station level or is there only policy which relates to all stations; Any software systems utilised to track: whether members are firearm qualified and trained; suspensions to firearm access; locations of individual firearms; and rostering. Systems that relate to ensuring that sworn members seeking access to police issue firearms are either: rostered for duty at the time of requesting the firearm or ensuring they have been recalled to duty/on-call at the time of requesting the firearm; and ensuring that any firearm practice / training has been authorised. General systems relating to the issue of police firearms including restriction and suspension to firearm access with respect to members who have threatened self-harm / harm to others. How firearm access is managed/controlled with respect to Domestic Violence Orders or applications thereof. | SAPOL Ref 18/0868 (pdf 2mb) If you would like |
20/02/2018 | SAPOL 18/1303 | I would like therefore to see an organisational chart of SA Police… This chart should list the Expiation Notice Branch, and also list the name of its manager. | SAPOL Ref 18/1303 (pdf 984kb) |
19/02/2018 | SAPOL 18/1246 | Previous letter sent, stolen firearm stats for financial years 2012/13, 2015/16 & 2016/17. | SAPOL Ref 18/1246 (pdf 320kb) |
16/02/2018 | SAPOL 18/0644 | I am seeking incident reports and related photos/CCTV/video footage since 1 January 2014, until the date of this application, on reported physical assaults including sexual assaults, involving students at the following schools…” narrowed the scope of request to:“…can we please just limit to sex crimes (ie sex assaults and sex offences) and reduce the timeframe to 1 January 2015 to the date of the application. Please exclude those that are still subject to legal proceedings. | SAPOL Ref 18/0644 (pdf 2mb) |
15/02/2018 | SAPOL 18/1171 | As per 31 of the Intervention Order (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 for the 2016/2017 financial year, statistical information showing the number of people charged by arrests or reports and a random selection of 500 files to show dismissals, convictions, charges not laid, pending results and the total cost to SA Police for the dismissed or withdrawn charges. | SAPOL Ref 18/1171 (pdf 1mb) |
01/02/2018 | SAPOL 18/1117 |
Please provide the number and dollar amount of speeding infringement notices issued for the following schedule of locations in 2013,2014,2015,2016 and 2017 until December 31 2017. If possible please include the speed bracket (in term of 1-10kmh over, 11-20kmh over etc) and the top speed in each of
those areas, the number of days that a speed camera was in that location for each of the named years and the number per weekday. This is similar to a previous FOI - your ref: SK1772 LOCATIONS: Barossa Local Service Area, Angaston Road, ANGASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Balmoral Road, COCKATOO VALLEY Barossa Local Service Area, Barossa Valley Hwy, LYNDOCH Barossa Local Service Area, Barossa Valley Way, LYNDOCH Barossa Local Service Area, Barossa Valley Way, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Barossa Valley Way, SANDY CREEK Barossa Local Service Area, Dawkins Road, LEWISTON Barossa Local Service Area, Gilbert Street, LYNDOCH Barossa Local Service Area, Greenock Road, GREENOCK Barossa Local Service Area, Greenock Road, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Horrocks Highway, TEMPLERS Barossa Local Service Area, Kalimna Road, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Light Pass Road, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Long Gully Road, ANGASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Lyndoch Road, GAWLER EAST Barossa Local Service Area, Lyndoch Valley Road, LYNDOCH Barossa Local Service Area, Moculta Road, ANGASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Murray Street, ANGASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Murray Street, EDAN VALLEY Barossa Local Service Area, Old Kapunda Road, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Penrice Road, PENRICE Barossa Local Service Area, Seppeltsfield Road, SEPPELTSFIELD Barossa Local Service Area, Stockwell Road, ANGASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Thiele Highway, FREELING Barossa Local Service Area, Williamstown Road, COCKATOO VALLEY Barossa Local Service Area, Yettie Road, WILLIAMSTOWN. | SAPOL Ref 18/1117 (pdf 426kb) |
30/1/2018 | SAPOL 18/1116 | Please provide the number and dollar amount of speeding infringement notices issued for the following schedule of locations from May 31 2017 to December 31 2017. If possible please include the speed bracket (in term of 1-10kmh over, 11-20kmh over etc) and the top speed in each of those areas, the number of days that a speed camera was in that location for the year and the number per weekday. This is similar to a previous FOI request your ref: SK1772 LOCATIONS: Barossa Local Service Area, Adelaide Road, (Main North Road) EVANSTON PARK Barossa Local Service Area, Adelaide Road, (Main North Road) GAWLER SOUTH Barossa Local Service Area, Angle Vale Road, EVANSTON Barossa Local Service Area, Barossa Valley Way, TANUNDA Barossa Local Service Area, Breakneck Hill Road, ANGASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Carlton Road, GAWLER EAST Barossa Local Service Area, Duck Ponds Rd, STOCKWELL Barossa Local Service Area, Gomersal Rd, GOMERSAL Barossa Local Service Area, Gomersal Rd, SHEA- OAK LOG Barossa Local Service Area, Gomersal Rd, TANUNDA Barossa Local Service Area, Gosford Street, GAWLER WEST Barossa Local Service Area, Horrocks Highway, ROSEWORTHY Barossa Local Service Area, Lyndoch Road, GAWLER Barossa Local Service Area, Mt Crawford Road, WILLIAMSTOWN Barossa Local Service Area, Murray St, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Murray St, TANUNDA Barossa Local Service Area, North St, ANGASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Penrice Rd, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Queen Street, WILLIAMSTOWN Barossa Local Service Area, Railway Tce, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Redbanks Road, WILLASTON Barossa Local Service Area, Ryde Street GAWLER WEST Barossa Local Service Area, Sturt Hwy, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Tanunda Road, NURIOOTPA Barossa Local Service Area, Twelfth Street, GAWLER SOUTH Barossa Local Service Area, Vine Vale Rd, TANUNDA.” | SAPOL Ref 18/1116 (pdf 371kb) |
16/01/2018 | SAPOL18/1012 | The number of expiation notices issued by SAPOL issued for exceeding the speed limit; failing to stop at a red light; having an unregistered vehicle; not having current third party insurance; general road traffic offences in the following streets in 2016 and 2017: Broadway and Baker, Victoria and Ramsgate Streets, Glenelg South. | SAPOL Ref 18/1012 (pdf 1mb) |
10/01/2018 | SAPOL18/0906 | The number of investigations and outcomes since the Equal Opportunity Report in December 2016. | SAPOL Ref 18/0906 (pdf 306kb) |
08/01/2018 | SAPOL18/0908 |
Seeking documents in the last two years containing information about sexual assaults: 1. Data and/or other statistics showing: a) the number of complaints of sexual assaults. b) the number of sexual assaults investigated with subsequent arrest and/or charges laid. 2. Documents created or held by the Officer in Charge of South Australia Police Special Crimes Branch in relation to a lack of resources to investigate allegations of sexual assault. 3. Documents created or held by Officer in Charge of South Australia Police Special Crimes Branch and Manager of Performance and Governance Section in relation to flaws, problems, alleged flaws and alleged problems with statistics relating to sexual assault. | |
18/12/2017 | SAPOL 18/0816 | Total FTE's (including Police Officers, Community Constables and Administration staff) at Ceduna Police Station for 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. | SAPOL Ref 18/0816 (pdf 847kb) |
15/12/2017 | SAPOL 18/0738 | We request a breakdown of petrol station drive offs by suburb for the past 12 months. We would also like a monthly breakdown for the past 12 months, and the number of arrests over the period. | SAPOL Ref 18/0738 (pdf 3mb) |
12/12/2017 | SAPOL18/0790 | Copy of the police risk assessment for Adelaide's West End. | SAPOL Ref 18/0790 (pdf 1mb) |
23/11/2017 | SAPOL18/0652 |
For each reporting year 2015, 2016 and 2017: 1. The number of police officers who have been: a) Retired b) resigned, and c) been dismissed. 2. For each of the above: a) The age of the officer b) the reasons for leaving, and c) the number of years of employment. | SAPOL Ref 18/0652 (pdf 4.5mb) |
13/11/2017 | SAPOL18/0669 |
For each financial year since the implementation of Operation Poach:
1. The number of arrests associated with the stock theft 2. For each arrest: a) whether the arrest resulted in a conviction, and b) the value of the stock allegedly stolen, and c) the LSA and town where the alleged theft occurred. | SAPOL Ref 18/0669 (pdf 209kb) |
South Australia Police proactively publishes information relating to expenditure for:
Information provided covers:
This information has been made available through the government policy Premier and Cabinet Circular 035 – Proactive Disclosure of Regularly Requested Information.
Copies of credit card statements showing expenditure for the Commissioner of Police are published monthly.
For security reasons, the credit card numbers are removed from the statement.
Where a credit card has not been used a Nil Return is recorded.
Details of overseas travel for the Commissioner of Police include the:
This information is published as soon as practical but no more than six months after travel.
Where no overseas travel has occurred within the specified timeframe a Nil Return is recorded.
Details of overseas travel for all SAPOL staff include the:
This information is published for a financial year, commencing 2014 – 2015, and will be published no later than 30 September of each year.
Details of mobile phone expenditure for the Commissioner of Police are published monthly.
Where a mobile phone has not been used a Nil Return is recorded.
Details of ancillary office expenditure relating to events hosted or attended by the Commissioner of Police are published monthly.
Where there has not been any expenditure a Nil Return is recorded.
Details of gifts received by the Commissioner of Police are published monthly.
Where no gifts have been received a Nil Return is recorded.
Details of all SAPOL contracts with consultants are published on the South Australian Tenders and Contracts website.
View our contracts with consultants
South Australia Police complies with Treasurer's Instructions 18 Procurement (TI 18). This instruction applies to all public authorities as defined in the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987. TI 18 provides public authority Chief Executives (and the Commissioner of Police) with clear accountability and responsibility to establish local procurement governance arrangements and processes suitable to their requirements.
To read more about this please visit Procurement Services SA.
South Australia Police adheres to the South Australian Government Procurement Framework ('the Framework') which consists of Treasurer's Instruction 18, the Procurement Governance Policy, and supporting policies that set the minimum requirements for each key procurement activity (planning, sourcing and contract management).
To view these policies, click below:
Our Forward Procurement Plan is also available on the Procurement Services SA website.
Details of SAPOL's capital works program can be located in the State Budget papers - refer to the Capital Investment Statement. This information is updated every six months.
Message from the Commissioner and Public Interest Disclosure Procedure
Alternative formats of this information may be provided for those who have trouble viewing these files. Email or write to:
South Australia Police
Executive Support Section
GPO Box 1539 Adelaide 5001