SA Police (SAPOL) has developed a SAPOL bushfire factsheet to provide advice on common patrol officer taskings encountered during the fire danger season, and information about activities that could unintentionally start fires which may be an offence. The factsheet also explains SA police powers regarding road closures and issuing directions to prevent bushfires.
SAPOL continues to work together with the SA Country Fire Service (CFS) to reduce and prevent deliberate, reckless, and negligent acts that can cause bushfires. Operation Nomad is SAPOL's proactive policing response to the threat of arson and bushfires in South Australia during the Fire Danger Season which targets arsonists and those people considered high risk of starting bushfires and works with the community to educate them on how to stay safe. SAPOL will have Nomad patrols in high-risk fire areas with a zero-tolerance to deliberate, negligent or reckless fire behaviour and will also be distributing bushfire prevention literature to reinforce CFS messaging.
A selection of Why risk it? Bushfire prevention posters is available for you to print and share to raise awareness in your community.
It is important that you continue to report suspicious, reckless or negligent behaviour by calling SA Police on 131 444. If you see a fire or there is an imminent risk of a fire, call emergency Triple Zero (000). If you have any information about someone deliberately lighting fires call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online. You can remain anonymous.
You can do your bit by familiarising yourself with the Australian Fire Danger Rating System released by the CFS. Always consider weather conditions and current ratings. Keep a regular check on restrictions around what you can and can’t do during the Fire Danger Season by visiting: What can I do / What can't I do? - CFS.
It is also important to be aware of fire risk in areas you may be travelling through. The CFS offers free community programs to help people understand bushfire risk and how to be prepared. To learn more visit Bushfire Ready - CFS
Their website also provides guidance on creating a bushfire survival plan. Bushfire Survival Plan - CFS.
To find out when the fire danger season starts in your region visit: Fire Danger Season dates & permits - CFS.