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Neighbourhood Watch Week

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Neighbourhood Watch Week is one of our most significant annual events – an enduring and well-respected week-long tradition showcasing Neighbourhood Watch to the wider community.

For the 6th consecutive year, Neighbourhood Watch Australasia are working together with Bunnings for a combined ‘Neighbourhood Watch Week and Crime Prevention Week’ to provide crime prevention awareness and information to the community.

Hundreds of Neighbourhood Watch groups across Australia and New Zealand will be conducting events in their local communities, and at their local Bunnings stores, encouraging participation and raising awareness of the benefits of belonging to a local Neighbourhood Watch group.

Neighbourhood Watch is a community led safety and awareness program, working in partnership with police to build safer and more connected communities to actively reduce the fear of crime and increase feelings of safety in the community.

These outcomes are achieved through raising awareness and providing education in effective ways to prevent crime, reduce social isolation and to increase the safety, security, and quality of life for everyone in the community.

This year Neighbourhood Watch Week runs from 6 November – 12 November 2024, but there’s no reason not to start planning your Neighbourhood Watch Week event now and make the most of this great opportunity to promote the benefits of Neighbourhood Watch.

Here’s some ways you can get involved:

  • Set up a crime prevention information stand at your local shopping centre.
  • Cook a fundraising sausage sizzle at your local Bunnings store.
  • Hold a community get-together at your local park.
  • Put on a tool engraving or UV property marking session.
  • Send out crime prevention information in your newsletter.
  • Spread the word about home security to your neighbours.

If you’re new to Neighbourhood Watch SA consider joining your local group, or think about starting a group in your area, and help make your community a safer and more connected place.