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Grants for 40th Birthday

Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) SA is celebrating its 40th birthday this year with a $10,000 grants program.

Celebrating 40th Anniversary Grants Program

NHW Areas statewide can apply for up to $2,000 to undertake a project aimed at reducing local crime or increasing community connections.

The funds are being provided through a partnership agreement between the South Australia Police (SAPOL) NHW Program and the NHW Volunteer Association of South Australia Inc. (VASA) Board of Management.

Interested in applying? Read the Information guide

According to Board President Ben Williams, the program is a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge and show appreciation of NHW volunteers for their dedication over four decades.

“Many of our volunteers have been committed to the program and creating safer communities for a very long time,” he said. “Usually, they need to fundraise before they can get cracking with a project. That can be a barrier that prevents Areas from being active in their community.”

NHW Areas need to complete a simple application process to be considered for a grant. This involves explaining how their proposed project will either benefit the safety of their community or build community connections.

SAPOL NHW State Coordinator Kirsty Mudge said the selection panel would be looking for two different types of projects – community crime prevention initiatives, and local events and activities that bring community members together.

“Many people don’t realise how important having a connected community is in reducing crime,” she said. “Research shows that communities where individuals know each other tend to be safer communities.”

All NHW Areas are encouraged to apply for a grant, including those that are struggling due to low membership numbers. A grant project can assist in reinvigorating NHW Areas and piquing the interest of new people.

The initiative gives NHW volunteers the opportunity to try something new, be creative, share ideas and learn new skills. Grant initiatives can range from providing lighting for a secluded area to hosting a street party or completing a public art project.

Applications are now open and will close on 23 April.