At events, as well as enjoyment, community safety is paramount and we know that parents or carers sometimes worry about bringing vulnerable people due to a risk of them getting lost or potentially needing emergency support.
The new, FREE wristband contains a space where vital information about the wearer can be noted such as phone number, medical advice, languages spoken, or details of any vulnerabilities, allowing an assisting person to provide relevant and immediate support if the wearer finds themselves lost or in need of help.
The wristband is now available from all SA police stations so pick up yours today! Find your local station by clicking here.
Chief Inspector Cameron Devey of the Community Engagement Section said: “We’re encouraging parents and caregivers who take children and vulnerable adults to events or public locations to get some wristbands from their local police station. You can write useful and relevant information on it, if you want to, and then secure them on the wearer’s wrist prior to you commencing your day out.
“Identifying the wearers name on the wristband could enable the assisting person to establish a friendly rapport with the wristband wearer and help alleviate any potential anxiety.
“We know that parents and caregivers will keep a close eye on their loved ones and those in their care but sometimes people can become separated and our wristband aims to support people in this worrying situation. Even if people go out on their own, they may want to consider wearing a wristband if they have any physical or health concerns.
“We’re really pleased that the wristband is now available and I thank SAPOL’s NHW team for making it happen.”
SA Police and NHW will also collaborate with various organisations and groups across the state to ensure a supply of wristbands are available at community and major events so keep an eye out for them when you’re attending.
If you do find a lost vulnerable person or someone that is in need of assistance, check to see if they are wearing a safety and assistance wristband and follow the instructions provided, contacting the caregiver to advise them of your location. If you are having difficulty arranging a reunion you can also call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.
Made from Tyvek material the safety and assistance wristband is tear proof, water resistant, lightweight, allergy free and has a tab free adhesive that ensures there’ll be no disposable plastic tab element at the time of fitting. There are also instructions on the wristband that detail safe disposal.