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Think first then dial

Required Information

To complete your vehicle collision report, you will need the following information:

  • time and date of collision; and
  • location of collision (street/s and suburb or town); and
  • your personal details (from your driver's licence); and
  • your vehicle registration details; and
  • details of other parties involved in the collision:
    • driver/cyclist/pedestrian/property owner names and contact details; and
    • other vehicle’s registration details (if applicable); and
  • total estimated cost of damage to all vehicles and property; and
  • description of how the collision occurred.

You will not be able to save and return to add or change information once you have started, so please ensure you have all the above details before you begin.


Prior to completing your vehicle collision report, you need to read and agree to the following conditions:

  1. I acknowledge that I am not required by law to report a non-reportable collision
  2. I will provide information which is truthful to the best of my knowledge.
  3. I acknowledge that if I later learn that a person involved in this collision was injured, or if total damage exceeds $3000, or the collision otherwise becomes reportable, I am required by law to visit a police station and personally report this collision.
  4. I acknowledge that matters disclosed by me in the online collision report may be investigated by police.
  5. I acknowledge that matters disclosed by me in the online collision report may be used for purposes other than those directly related to the collision and consent to the release of this information. For example, South Australia Police may provide collision related data to other agencies for the benefit of collision prevention strategies and research.