27 Mar 2025 1:24pm
Law enforcement agencies from across Australia and New Zealand have targeted the Hells Angels Outlaw Motorcycle Club (HAOMC) in a coordinated National Day of Action as part of Operation Morpheus.
The focus of the National Day of Action was to cause maximum disruption to the HAOMC through compliance and enforcement activities across Australia and New Zealand.
With a significant legacy of past national coordination and collaboration by law enforcement and partners in Australia and New Zealand, National Taskforce Operation Morpheus is a joint initiative. This includes all Australian state and territory police, New Zealand Police, Australian Federal Police, Australian Border Force, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Australian Defence Force, AUSTRAC, Australian Taxation Office, and Services Australia collaboratively targeting the highest threat outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) impacting Australia and New Zealand.
The National Day of Action 2025 has resulted in law enforcement agencies around the country conducting compliance checks relating to bail, parole, firearms possession and other legislation. The agencies also seized firearms, weapons, various drugs, illicit cigarettes and tobacco products and in excess of $48,000 in cash resulting in the arrest of 23 people, involving 60 charges.
By proactively targeting OMCG’s throughout Australia and New Zealand in a day of action using a combination of enforcement, compliance and disruption techniques Operation Morpheus generates significant intelligence holdings. Shared intelligence relating gang to membership and associates, locations and gang related premises and criminal activities play a crucial role in national and international law enforcement awareness of links with OMCG’s like HAOMC and organised crime.
Other focuses of law enforcement were HAMC - OMCG members involved in family violence matters and those club members and associates already incarcerated within the prison populations.
The overrepresentation of OMCG members and associates linked with family and domestic violence perpetration is a significant community issue. As is violence and contraband within the prison systems, also well documented and a focus of this operation.
Operation Morpheus sends the message to members of OMCG members, “It doesn’t matter if you are at freedom or in custody you will be targeted for criminal related activity, be that personal or club related business. Put simply it doesn’t pay to be a member of an OMCG or any criminal gang.”
Australian Border Force have also identified HAMC members and associates attempting to enter Australia recently as well as targeting members and associates who may be subject to removal from Australia.
As national organised crime continues to move into the illegal tobacco and vape industry, including OMCG involvement with other crime groups law enforcement and partners are actively focused on this activity, including the extreme violence, firearms, extortion, arson, and money laundering activities.
Leveraging shared capability and technology, National Taskforce Morpheus also targets criminal assets and unexplained wealth of key OMCG members, protects vulnerable people and develops national strategies to deter gang recruitment, reduce membership and target recidivism and enablers to organised crime.
Agency Key Results:
South Australia Police -
Small quantities of illicit substances seized, firearms prohibition order compliance checks completed with in-custody cell searches conducted by Dept Correctional Services. Significant additional contemporary criminal intelligence was gathered relating to HAOMC in SA.
Victoria Police -
9 offenders charged with 8 offences, 1 search warrant executed, small quantities of illegal prescription drugs seized, firearms prohibition order compliance checks revealing quantities of firearm ammunition, $48,000 in cash seized and subject to further investigation. Significant additional contemporary criminal intelligence gathered relating to HAOMC in Victoria.
Western Australia Police -
2 offenders charged with 5 offences, 2 search warrants executed, small quantities of illicit substances seized and contemporary criminal intelligence gathered relating to HAOMC in WA.
New Zealand Police -
3 offenders charged with 4 offences, 3 search warrants executed and 3 vehicles seized. Small quantities of both prescription and illicit substances were seized. Contemporary criminal intelligence was gathered relating to HAOMC in New Zealand.
Australian Border Force –
2 VISA cancellations / refusals at point of entry, a further 3 identified as potential VISA cancellations and a single Unlawful Non-Citizen detained linked with OMCGs in Australia.
New South Wales -
3 offenders facing 12 charges, 2 search warrants executed, small quantities of illicit substances seized, firearms prohibition order compliance checks with an additional 9 ADVO compliance checks also conducted. In-custody cell searches were also activated for OMCG members in NSW prisons.
Queensland -
5 offenders facing 30 charges, 2 firearms seized, 25 bail breaches (non-compliance) discovered with a significant number of traffic breaches identified with both fines and prosecutions commenced for drug and drink driving.
Northern Territory -
Heavy focus on traffic compliance identifying both drink (3) and drug (3) drivers apprehended.
Tasmania –
1 offender charged with an offence with bail and firearms prohibition order compliance checks conducted.
Quotes attributed to: Taskforce Morpheus Chair Detective Superintendent Jason Kelly (VICPOL)
“National Taskforce Morpheus has been an extremely successful national and international operation coordinating multiple operations that have seen Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMCGs) and their members disrupted, arrested, charged and held to account.
“Law enforcement and partner government agencies, through National Taskforce Morpheus, share the use of a variety of capabilities to proactively target OMCGs at a state, territory, national and international level. National Taskforce Morpheus will continue to be relentless in pursuing OMCGs and will not stop disrupting and holding OMCGs to account, no matter where they are located.
“OMCGs are motivated by profit and greed, they infiltrate communities, industry and businesses and have a negative impact on the communities. The social and economic impact of OMCGs in Australia and New Zealand is significant. OMCGs also have a culture of secrecy, that includes intimidation and propensity for extreme violence, often with public displays of violence that impacts the safety of the community. For these reasons Law Enforcement and partner Government agencies will continues to target OMCGs.”
Quotes attributed to: Officer in Charge Serious and Organised Crime Branch (SAPOL) Detective Superintendent Shane Addison
SAPOL recognises the risk and serious harm to the community caused by significant and violent criminal activity undertaken by and associated with Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMCG) in South Australia. SAPOL is committed to reducing this threat to community safety and will relentlessly pursue members and associates of OMCGs who seek to profit from violence and all forms of illicit criminal activities. Today’s National Day of Action activities have focused on disrupting those OMCG members who pose the greatest risk to the community.
“In collaboration with our law enforcement and supporting agency partners, SAPOL will target anyone involved with OMCGs illicit criminal and violent behaviour. This includes targeting the confiscation of their criminal assets. The results from the Operation Morpheus Day of Action in this State reflects this commitment.”