10 Mar 2025 2:45pm
Police detected five drink drivers in the Morgan and Cadell townships over the Adelaide Cup long weekend.
Four drivers were reported for drink driving offences and will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date.
A 26-year-old Stuart man was detected about 9pm on Friday 7 March on Fourth Street, Morgan and recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.129. He was issued with an immediate loss of licence for six months.
A 63-year-old Cadell man was stopped by police on Cadell Valley Road, Cadell just after midnight on Saturday 8 March and recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.166. Police checks also revealed he was driving unlicensed, unregistered and uninsured. His vehicle was impounded.
A 63-year-old Morgan man was stopped on Slaughterhouse Road, Morgan about 9.30pm on Saturday 8 March for a mobile driver test. It will be alleged he failed to comply with breath analysis and was reported. His licence was immediately suspended for 12 months.
A 26-year-old Morgan man was pulled over on the Goyder Highway, Morgan about 4.30pm on Sunday 9 March and recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.089. Also of concern to police; he had a child in the vehicle with him at the time.
A fifth driver recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.072 and was issued with an expiation notice.