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Think first then dial

Melrose Park business fire

21 Jun 2024 5:10pm

Police are investigating a suspicious building fire on Edward Street this morning and are seeking information from witnesses in the area.

About 6.40am Friday 21 June, emergency services received reports of a business premises on fire at Melrose Park.

A printing business sustained significant fire damage, but MFS were able to contain the fire to prevent it spreading to the adjoining business premises. Neighbouring properties sustained minor smoke damage.

CIB detectives and crime scene officers attended the scene, and the investigation is continuing.

Investigators would like to speak to two potential witnesses captured on CCTV walking west along Edward Street past Battery World about 4.15am.

Police urge these two people to come forward and anyone else in the area in the early hours of this morning, or who has dashcam or CCTV footage to contact police.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on www.crimestopperssa.com.au or phone 1800 333 000 – you can remain anonymous.

Please quote 24-101M.