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Think first then dial

Far too extreme for this arrested rider

27 Sep 2024 4:27pm

A motorcycle rider has been caught travelling more than 100km/h over the speed limit in Murray Mallee this afternoon.

Just before 12.30pm on Friday 27 September, a speed detection camera on Kulde Road at Tailem Bend captured a motorcycle travelling at 151km/h in a 50km/h zone.

The same motorbike returned a few minutes later travelling in the opposite direction and was captured going 146km/h.

The rider was photographed on camera with wearing what appeared to be a pirate hat and goggles.

Local patrols attended a Tailem Bend address where they located the motorbike and the rider.

The rider, a 54-year-old man from Coonalpyn, submitted to a drug test where he returned a positive result for methamphetamine.

The man was arrested and charged with two counts of driving at an extreme speed, driving whilst being disqualified, driving with incorrect number plates, failing to wear a helmet and contravening mandatory alcohol interlock scheme conditions.

He was refused police bail and will appear in Murray Bridge Magistrates Court on Monday 30 September.
