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Think first then dial

Driver arrested in mid north

28 Mar 2025 10:48am

Police have arrested a man following an incident in the northern suburbs of Adelaide and into the mid north of the state.

Police were called to Caloundra Drive at Paralowie about 8.25am on Thursday 27 March after reports a man had passed out behind the wheel of a black Holden HSV Commodore stopped in the middle of the road.

The vehicle had reversed into another vehicle before driving off.

Patrols spotted the car without its rear bumper on Fairbanks Drive shortly after but was lost sight of.

A short time later, police received reports of the vehicle speeding and driving erratically heading north on the Port Wakefield Highway.

PolAir picked up the vehicle travelling west on the Copper Coast Highway just before 10am and commenced tracking while Yorke Mid North patrols cordoned the area.

PolAir followed the Holden as it turned on to Lime Kiln Road where police were able to successfully spike its tyres. However, the vehicle continued to drive and went off road into paddocks adjacent to Kulpara Road.

It eventually came to a stop on Upper Yorke Road at Ninnes where the driver attempted to run off, but he was arrested in a nearby paddock.

Police searched the vehicle locating 200gms of Methamphetamine and liquid steroids.

A 31-year-old man from Brahma Lodge was arrested and charged with numerous offences including speed dangerous, driving without due care, failing to stop at a crash scene and trafficking in a controlled drug. He was refused bail and is expected to appear in the Elizabeth Magistrates Court today.

CO2500012956, CO2500012883