Do I need a permit
Are you planning on using firearms in South Australia for a purpose when:
Visiting South Australia from outside of Australia
International Visitors Permit (IVP)
You can apply for an IVP authorising the possession and use of a firearm for one or more of the following purposes:
- competitive shooting
- hunting
- commemorative and ceremonial events
- providing personal security services for foreign dignitary or official
- historical re-enactment or display
- testing or demonstrating firearms for a government department, agency or instrumentality.
Under Border Control regulations, a person has to clear customs at the first port they enter Australia. If you will enter Australia in a state or territory other than South Australia you will need to contact that jurisdiction to comply with their process.
You must complete the RF1740 application form (fillable forms tips) including exact travel dates and method of entering South Australia, and full list of all firearms, firearm parts and ammunition that will be entering South Australia. Copies of all relevant documentation must also be provided.
This application should then be sent:
- via email or
- by post to Firearms Branch, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE, SA 5001, AUSTRALIA.
For the permit to be assessed and returned please allow a minimum of one month for email applications and over two months for postal applications.
Failure to obtain an approved permit will result in your firearms, firearm parts or ammunition being seized by Border Control.
See Regulation 45 of the Firearms Regulations 2017 or contact Firearms Branch for further information.
Visiting South Australia for purpose of film, television or theatre production
Foreign Theatrical Armourer (FTA)
You can apply for a permit to enter South Australia to possess and use firearms for the purpose of film, television or theatre production in South Australia.
You must complete the RF1740 application form (fillable forms tips) including the reason the firearms are required, schedule and proposed security whilst in South Australia. You will also be required to supply a list of all firearms, ammunition and firearms parts being brought into South Australia under the permit. Please note you may only bring a category of firearm under this permit if you are authorised for the same category under law of your usual place of residence.
See Regulation 46 of the Firearms Regulations 2017 or contact Firearms Branch for further information.
Visiting South Australia for purpose of attending an arms fair
Foreign Firearms Dealer (FFD)
You can apply for a permit to enter South Australia to attend an arms fair if you intend to possess or use a firearm, firearm part or ammunition for one or more of the following purposes:
- display of firearm, firearm parts or ammunition at an arms fair
- sale of firearms, firearm parts or ammunition at an arms fair
- purchase of firearms, firearms parts or ammunition at an arms fair
- use of firearms, firearm parts or ammunition at an arms fair
- supervising the use of a firearm by a person who is considering acquiring the firearm from the dealer for the purpose of testing the firearm.
The permit can only be authorised for possession or use of category A, B or H firearms. You must also be authorised under your own jurisdiction to possess or use the category of firearms.
You must complete the RF1740 application form (fillable forms tips) and include the dates of the arms fairs you intend on entering South Australia to attend. You must supply a list of all the firearms, firearm parts and ammunition you are bringing into South Australia prior to attending the arms fair.
You may not display two or more identical firearms or firearm parts, or more than 50 rounds of identical
You must make and provide the Registrar with records in relation to the supply of any firearm.
See Regulation 47 of the Firearms Regulations 2017 or contact Firearms Branch for further information.
Refurbishing firearms
Firearm refurbishment
You can apply for a permit to possess firearms for the purpose of carrying on the business of refurbishing firearms, such as engraving firearm stocks or bluing of firearms.
You must complete the RF1740 application form (fillable forms tips) and include the type of business you carry out that requires a permit.
You must make and provide the Registrar with records in relation to your possession of a firearm.
See Regulation 49 of the Firearms Regulations 2017 or contact Firearms Branch for further information.